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Thanks for letting us know about this problem.
We had already spotted this and have fixed it. The fix will appear in the next minor release of the product which will be released shortly.
SQLCompare ... command line util
Hi Alan
The problem appears to be in the syntax that is being used you command.
When you wish to use an instance of SQL Server the command needs to have a back slash rather than a forward slash.
Comparing Users and Roles
When you use SQL Compare to make a comparison of two databases it will initially include all objects contained within the databases.
This is primarily because if items were filtered out dependencie...
problem using COPYTO parameter
There are a couple of items that could cause this.
The first is in the syntax that you are using.
With the COPYTO option you need to use two single quotes rather than a single double quote. This is...
Does SQL Backup Support Fail-over Clusters?
SQL Backup is supported in a SQL Failover Cluster.
To set this up follow the procedure for creating a SQL Failover Cluster and than install SQL Backup on the primary server.
This will install the e...
A comma makes the difference
The setup you have is correct - "Force table column order to be identical" not checked.
You should be seeing after the analysis that in the top portion of the screen you have a black equals s...
Missing tables to compare
I need to check a few things with you before I can answer your question.
In SQL Compare, do you have these two options checked:
Ignore constraints and index names
Treat items as case sensitive
How to create an incremental DTS?
Firstly can i check that you require help with SQL Comapre rather than SQL Data Compare.
Can't get the upgrade/update to work
I’m sorry but we are current experiencing problems with the InstallShield service.
Until this gets fixed could you please download the SQL Bundle from our website.
If you email me at support ...
Owner and Store Procedures
Hi Marto
Because the store procedures have different owners the are treated by SQL as different objects.
SQl Compare picks them up as different objects, reports this back, and will create the missi...