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SQL Search Maintain State

Hello RedGate,

When I open SSMS I would like the SQL Search Tab to be opened and pinned, and to have the prior session parameters be preserved as depicted in the screenshot.

Currently every time I open SSMS I have to Connect to the local Server and then set up all these parameters.   I would like to automate the Startup process to eliminate these repeated steps.

Thank you for your advice.





  • Jon Kirkwood
    Official comment

    Hi Axium7,


    Thank you for reaching out on the Redgate forums regarding your SQL Search inquiry.


    Unfortunately, SQL Search does not store any default settings that can be recalled. 

    Drop-down selection is recalled for the active SSMS session, and this data is dropped when that session closes. 

    The displayed information in these drop-downs depends on a connection to your database instances so they can be populated. This is generated when a connection is made and isn't stored outside the active session.


    You can post this on our UserVoice forum as a feature request if this is something you'd like to see:

    Jon Kirkwood
  • Axium7

    About half the time I cannot get a list of my 3 databases, causing the search not to work.  I have the latest version of SSMS installed.


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