Using SQLDOC command line v5.1.3.2492 (not sure to upgrade since the acquired license is perpetual, so I'm afraid an upgrade might not work).
After running SQLDOC.exe, the documentation for a database seems to be generated and no errors are reported. However, exit code is 9, which does not match any of the documented ones (Exit codes used in the command line - SQL Doc 5 - Product Documentation).
Any idea on why could this be happening?
Using SQLDOC command line v5.1.3.2492 (not sure to upgrade since the acquired license is perpetual, so I'm afraid an upgrade might not work).
After running SQLDOC.exe, the documentation for a database seems to be generated and no errors are reported. However, exit code is 9, which does not match any of the documented ones (Exit codes used in the command line - SQL Doc 5 - Product Documentation).
Any idea on why could this be happening?