Here is another script that you can use in a SQL Server job to backup databases using SQL Backup. This script uses COM automation to create a separate folder for each database to keep things better-organized.
This can easily be modified to backup logs on a schedule by changing the @backupstring variable.
set nocount on
This script does a full backup of all databases exc tempdb.
Backups are saved in a folder with the same name as the database
under the @backuppath. If the folder doesn't exist, it is created.
Backups are erased after 7 days and email is sent on fail to support.
To change this, modify @backupstring to change SQL Backup's params.
declare @datestamp varchar(30)
declare @databasename varchar(200)
declare @backuppath varchar(500)
declare @filename varchar(500)
declare @backupstring varchar(1000)
declare @failcount int
declare @failflag int
declare @hresult int /* store OLE automation result */
declare @ole_FileSys int /* filesystemobject */
declare @ole_Folder int /* folder object */
declare @ole_Source varchar (255)
declare @ole_Description varchar (255)
declare @foldername varchar (255)
create table #tmpsqberrors (failcode int)
set @backuppath = 'd:\sql\mssql\sqlbackup\'
EXEC @hresult=sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @ole_FileSys OUT
IF @hresult <> 0
EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @ole_FileSys
declare dbs cursor for
select NAME from sysdatabases
where name != 'tempdb'
order by dbid
open dbs
fetch dbs into @databasename
while @@fetch_status != -1 begin
set @datestamp = left(replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(30), getdate(), 120), '-', ''), ' ', ''), ':', ''), 12)
set @foldername=@backuppath + @databasename
set @filename = @backuppath + @databasename + '\' + @databasename + '_db_(full)_' + @datestamp + '.sqb'
/* Check that the folder exists. If not, create it */
EXEC @hresult=sp_OAMethod @ole_FileSys, 'FolderExists', @ole_Folder OUT, @foldername
IF @ole_Folder=0
EXEC @hresult=sp_OAMethod @ole_FileSys, 'CreateFolder', @ole_Folder OUT, @foldername
IF @hresult <> 0
EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @ole_FileSys, @ole_Source OUT, @ole_Description OUT
SELECT @ole_Description='Failed to create backup folder: '+@ole_Description
RAISERROR (@ole_Description, 16, 1)
/* Ready to do the backup!!! */
set @backupstring = '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [' + @databasename + '] TO DISK = ''' + @filename + ''' WITH NAME = ''Database (' + @databasename + ') Full'', MAILTO_ONERROR='''', ERASEFILES = 7, COMPRESSION = 2" -E'
exec @failflag=master..sqlbackup @backupstring
if @failflag=0
insert into #tmpsqberrors (failcode) VALUES (1)
fetch dbs into @databasename
close dbs
deallocate dbs
select @failflag=COUNT(*) FROM #tmpsqberrors
if @failflag > 0 begin
RAISERROR ('Backup failed to complete successfully for all databases.', 16, 1)
EXEC sp_OADestroy @ole_FileSys
DROP TABLE #tmpsqberrors
set nocount off
This can easily be modified to backup logs on a schedule by changing the @backupstring variable.