I'm not sure if I'm using the product right, but I'm trying to debug an assembly which (I'm pretending) I don't have the source for, but I can't seem to get it working.
Basically, what I've done is created a simple hello world application, compiled it, and am running it (by clicking on the exe). I've made sure to remove the pdb files, and I've unchecked the "Enable Just My Code" option in the debugger settings.
In Visual Studio, I attach a debugger to that process and select the "Choose Assemblies to Debug" option in the .NET Reflector menu. However, the assembly list only contains mscorlib and some System assemblies; the assembly I'm debugging does not appear. Am I doing something wrong, or am I misunderstanding what it's supposed to do?
I am using VS 2008 on XP.
Basically, what I've done is created a simple hello world application, compiled it, and am running it (by clicking on the exe). I've made sure to remove the pdb files, and I've unchecked the "Enable Just My Code" option in the debugger settings.
In Visual Studio, I attach a debugger to that process and select the "Choose Assemblies to Debug" option in the .NET Reflector menu. However, the assembly list only contains mscorlib and some System assemblies; the assembly I'm debugging does not appear. Am I doing something wrong, or am I misunderstanding what it's supposed to do?
I am using VS 2008 on XP.