Many thanks for your post.
Can you kindly explain us what exactly you type after keyword WHERE?
As when I type WHERE and press space to type [Name] my WHERE keyword gets capitalised. -
I hit the TAB key.
So I type...
where<TAB><TAB>1 = 1;
My insertion keys for SQL Prompt at ENTER and TAB. Everything else is unchecked. -
Thanks for the update.
I typed as per specified by you in previous post as soon as I type <Tab> after WHERE it gets capitalised.
Can you kindly check the settings SQL Prompt 4 --> Options --> Format --> Case and check Reserved Keywords is selected as UPPERCASE? -
Did you got a chance to check the settings suggested by me in previous post?
What version of SQL Prompt are you using? I suspect your problem may have been fixed in the update. My issue with the case not being updated after hitting enter was. (Here is a link to my post: ... php?t=9461)
I have seen this happen as well even with the new version, but I can't reproduce it on demand. -
Hello CodantiM,
At any stage if you are able to reproduce the issue kindly let me know the pattern.
Many thanks for your post.
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FROM sys.databases
where [name] = 'temp'
I will capitalize SELECT and FROM when I hit tab, but not WHERE. It also capitalizes GROUP BY and ORDER BY, but not WHERE.
It does capitalize WHERE if I hit the space bar before hitting tab.