Thanks for your post.
Could you kindly check following settings:
1. SQL Prompt 4 --> Options --> Suggestions --> Type of suggestion --> Check List system Objects
2. SQL Prompt 4 --> Options --> Inserted Code --> Objects and Statements --> Check Insert parameters for functions and stored procedures.
Kindly let us know whether above settings resolves your issue. -
1 and 2 are check
and if i type exec <control+space> or alter procedure <control+space> it works.
But exec sp_helptext <control+space> doesn't work anymore in v4.
too bad, because it's very usefull to have a quick view on a SP -
I got your point thanks for explaining it to me.
I have added this issue in our internal tracking system and will be addressed in our future release. ID for this issue is SP-2777.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused by this issue. -
Thanks a lot.
one other things
i can't have suggestion for SP on a new line alter i type ap_
for exemple :select * from emp ap_
but this workselect * from emp go ap_
it was fine on v3... -
A Stored Procedure cannot begin a new line (or current line) after another statement (within a single batch) without using the EXEC keyword.
If you type in:SELECT * FROM myTable EXEC ap_
you should get all the suggestions that match your input.
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exec sp_helptext <control+space> was working in v3
am i missing an option ?