I have run command below while this backup does nothing in case you need any information out of the log.
EXEC master..sqbutility 9997
I'll try and run a command line version backup since I have seen other issues running things from the GUI here recently. -
Ran the following, but still nothing is processed:
declare @exitcode int, @sqlerrorcode int
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [stage_s1] TO DISK = ''M:\BACKUPS\STAGE_S1_PRESNAPSHOT.sqb'' WITH COMPRESSION = 3, THREADCOUNT = 2, VERIFY"', @exitcode OUT, @sqlerrorcode OUT
print '@exitcode ' + str(@exitcode)
print '@sqlerrorcode ' + str(@sqlerrorcode)
Fifteen minutes of running and nothing processed:
exec sqbstatus
Database Login Processed (bytes) Compressed (bytes)
stage_s1 me 0 0
(1 row(s) affected) -
Looks like a fulltext was in a state that did not like redgate. Rebuilt the index and I'm working now.
Be nice if redgate could diagnose stuff like this with the utility.
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Small databases work fine up to 30G at least. I have a 128G database that when performing a backup through the GUI, nothing is processed (exec sqbstatus).
I have restarted and rebooted and anything else I can think of to clear things out. This system has 32G of memory and 8 processors. No other processes are blocking.
Set the backup to use 1 thread, level 3 compression, but everything else is defaulted.