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Hi Roy,
If I understand correctly, you want to split your database into additional filegroups as part of the restore operation. I don't believe that this is possible; although you can move files to different locations than they were in as part of the original database, you can't create new filegroups when restoring a backup to another server.
I hope that this answers your question!
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This is the first time i am trying to do this so forgive me. I have a backup that is compressed to around 450GB across 5 Files. Now the original database isn't spread across multiple file groups, so the MDF = is close to a Terabyte and the log about 100GB.
Now my dilemna. We have 2 mount points, one with 890GB of space , and the other with 650GB of space. Now I know I could restore the individual file groups to different locations, but what about trying to split the backup somehow into the 2 separate locations. Something tells me that it's not possible but maybe I'm over thinking this way to much.
any insight would be appreciated.