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Dependency List is showing too much information

When I load dependencies for an object, I get it narrowed down to the things I want included and then I want to export a PDF of the dependency list.  So I have specifically hidden some of the objects that I don't want included.  Then I go to create the PDF and the document it creates specifically says at the top "Objects and dependencies that are not visible are not included".  However, when I look at the dependencies listed, it is still including objects that I set as hidden.  I can see in the `Objects in project` explorer that the objects in question are definitely unchecked in the 'hide/show' column but yet the object still is listed in the output.  I have tried this with file groups, schemas, stored procedures and other object types and they all seem to not be removed even though I have set them as hidden.

Can this be fixed so that only visible objects are included in the dependency list as it states on the PDF that is generated?




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