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Hello Schachar,
Thanks for reaching out to Redgate Software regarding your SQL Prompt inquiry. I believe you may have some luck using SQL Prompt's Code Completion and Ranked Suggestion features in this case. I am going to include the link to our documentation on both topics so you can review.
Ranked Suggestion:
Code Completion:
Lastly, an alternative solution you may wish to consider is utilizing a snippet in your environment to save a pre-written join clause as an alias like join1 and then you can just use the snippet to auto-write the join query.
Hopefully the above gives you some ammunition to determine which solution is best for you. But let me know if you have any follow up concerns.
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so i have 2 tables with a relation, based on fields with diferent names.
(Eg. Orders.Id = OrderItems.Order)
Can i predefine this join to appear in the suggestions list when i'm wiriting the join?