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Microsoft deprecating Teams Webhooks October 1st 2024

Hi all,

MS is deprecating Teams Webhooks, and as you might be relying on them here is how to move your custom Teams webhook to a Teams workflow. This guide assumes you are using the default Teams message template from the Redgate Monitor Documentation found here: :

1. Go to the MS Teams channel where you receive your Redgate Monitor alerts.
2. Click on the 3 dots and select "Workflows".
3. Scroll down and choose "Post to a channel when a webhook request is received".
4. Remove the default "foreach" (step2) and replace it with a new step "Post a card in a channel".
5. Put this block of code in your "Adaptive Card":
{<br>    "$schema": "",<br>    "type": "AdaptiveCard",<br>    "version": "1.2",<br>    "body": [<br>        {<br>            "type": "TextBlock",<br>           "text": "@{triggerOutputs()['body']['sections'][0]['activityTitle']}",<br>            "weight": "Bolder",<br>            "size": "Medium"<br>        },<br>        {<br>            "type": "TextBlock",<br>            "text": "@{triggerOutputs()['body']['sections'][0]['activitySubtitle']}",<br>            "wrap": true,<br>            "isSubtle": true,<br>            "spacing": "None"<br>        },<br>        {<br>            "type": "FactSet",<br>            "facts": [<br>                {<br>                    "title": "Status",<br>                    "value": "@{triggerOutputs()['body']['sections'][0]['facts'][0]['value']}"<br>                },<br>                {<br>                    "title": "Level",<br>                    "value": "@{triggerOutputs()['body']['sections'][0]['facts'][1]['value']}"<br>                },<br>            ]<br>        }<br>    ],<br> "actions": [<br>    {<br>      "type": "Action.OpenUrl",<br>      "title": "View Alert",<br>      "url": "@{triggerOutputs()['body']['potentialAction'][0]['targets'][0]['uri']}"<br>    }<br>  ],<br>    "summary": "@{triggerOutputs()['body']['summary']}"<br>}

6. Save this workflow; it will generate a URL for you.
7. Go into Redgate Monitor -> Alerts -> Notification Settings -> Webhook notification and change the URL to this new URL; press "Preview and test".

Old card with webhook:

new card with workflow:


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