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SQL Change Automation for Visual Studio 2019 does not create MigrationLog and SchemaSnapShot tables

I'm using Visual Studio 2019 version 4.8.04084 with SQL Change Automation extension from here

When creating a new SQL Change Automation project with source/target database, it's stuck at 90% for more than 12 hours. I have to terminate Visual Studio manually from task manager. When I go back to look at the project, it generated scripts/folder for baseline/programmable-objects/schema-model. However, it did not generate those two tables  __MigrationLog and __SchemaSnapShot in target database. 

It used to work few months ago when I did this for another database. 

Has anyone encountered this issue?
Evangeline Tseng



  • Sergio R
    Yes, it should create those objects when deploying, so it looks like your deployment is failing for some reason.
    Does this happen even if you create a new project from scratch?
    Sergio R
  • Evangeline
    Yes it happens when I create a brand new project from scratch for existing databases.

    I just realized those tables are created after I "deploy" it. 

    However, there's no record in table __SchemaSnapshot. Is that normal?

  • Sergio R
    That's normal if it happens on the database you use for the build, if it's a release target it's also normal in the first deployment, this should have a record after the second deployment.
    Sergio R

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