Can I make 1 Table-To-Table Rule with1 source table and multiple target tables? All target tables have same Joint columns as the source table. (The Source Table column will be masked - Substitution before Sync Table-To-Table)
Hi bcnk thank you for your question!
Unfortunately there's no multi-fan out available from a Table To Table rule within Data Masker at the moment and this would be handled by creating multiple T2T rules within your masking set.
That being said, if it is a large amount of tables and you would like them to be more easily handled then you might be able to use a Synchronisation Manager rule (instructions here, don't mind the PKFK references) which would allow you to mask all distinct values across the affected tables and fan them out within a single rule, which may be easier.
Let me know if you have any follow up questions or if there's anything else I can help out with!
Kindest -
Hi lantBasedSQL , I will look into the Synch Manager Rule. thank you so much for your response
(I am sure I 'll be having some questions about the rule
) Thanks !
Hi lantBasedSQL , I will look into the Synch Manager Rule. thank you so much for your response
(I am sure I 'll be having some questions about the rule
) Thanks !
HI PlantBasedSQL, I tried the Sync Manager . I used Customer ID from DM_CUSTOMER , DM_CUSTOMER NOTES and DM_CUSTOMER_ASXML_IDAttr. It seems like DM_CUSTOMER and DM_CUSTOMER NOTES 's Customer IDs synched with new Customer ID numbers but for DMC_CUSTOMER_ASXML_IDAttr, I could not find the synched numbers. (It did change from original Customer ID numbers to new numbers). Can you tell me what I missed with the rules?
Thank you, -
Hi @bcnk thanks for coming back on this, I'm not sure I 100% understand,
Do you mean you were able to mask Customer_ID on the DM_Customer and DM_Customer_Notes tables, but not on DM_CUSTOMER_ASXML_IDAttr?
If so, instead of selecting Rule Generation by FK in the Sync Manager, you will need the Column option instead, and you can search for all columns called Customer_ID and add them manually.
If you mean, you were unable to update the Customer_ID that is held WITHIN the XML itself in DM_CUSTOMER_ASXML_IDAttr then you will require a Table-To-Text rule within your Sync Manager, instructions here:
Let me know hoe you get on! Thank you very much.
Kindest -
Thank you, I will look into the Column option in our Database. Thank you for your replies and support
My pleasure @bcnk let me know how you get on!
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