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Help with configuration of Custom Metric Principals with sysadmin login

I have downloaded and enabled this custom metric and configured it.  However the number of 'sa' rights IDs at at each server is different.  I cannot seem to find a way to have this alert be configured at the server level.  Has anyone implemented this alert that can point me in the right direction?  I am on version 10.1.4



  • squigley
    Hello Mark,
    Thanks for your inquiry with the SQL Monitor tool. Just to be sure I'm understanding you correctly, is the issue you're experiencing due to the SA Rights IDs being different across the SQL Server Instances within one machine, hence why you want it configured at the machine server level instead to make it easier to analyze?
  • MarkTampa
    We are currently monitoring 11 different SQL Servers.  The number of userids with 'sa' rights is different for all 11.  So, I need to set the threshold different for each of them.
  • squigley

    Hello Mark,

    Thanks for the clarification on our end.

    Can you try upgrading to the latest version at 10.1.8? The reason I mention upgrading is that you should see the Custom Alerts show up on the Configuration > Alert settings page again and then you can drill into the hierarchy to each SQL instance level and change the threshold there.

    On the Configuration > Alert settings there will be a section "<baseMonitorName> Custom alerts"


    IE you'll drill down to each sql instance level, select the sql instance to customize and then choose the alert associated with the Principals with sysadmin login metric and change it there.


  • MarkTampa
    At the current time I cannot upgrade to 10.1.8 as we just upgraded to 10.1.14.  However, I will make a note of that and come back around to visit the upgrade.

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