I ran a comparison between 2 large databases. The databases for the most part are similar. I would expect to find a few differences. The results of the comparison show that one database is missing all the tables and stored procedures from the other database. The compare tool found a few identical objects (44) and a few objects with differences (6). The other 1000+ objects are said to be missing from the other database. Is there something obvious I could look at to correct this?



  • Simon C
    If you're sure the objects are in the second database, the thing to check for would be permissions; that the user you're logging in as can read the values in the system tables. Try running this as the same user in SSMS and see what is returned:

    select * from sys.objects (sysobjects if on 2000)

    Simon C
    Simon C
  • stuart.schellenberg
    Thanks, that was my problem

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