Does SQL Prompt go into global temp tables and if so is it possible to request that feature?
Morning!Thanks for your inquiry with SQL Prompt.SQL Prompt should give suggestions to global temp tables. Was there something in particular feature wise that you wanted SQL Prompt to do with Global Temp Tables?
I have a temptable built using a dynamic query but it is not displaying the fields inside...this is why I suggested it.
Could you send me an example query where you see this happening so that I can try replicating this on my end?
SET NOCOUNT ON;--Clear Temp Tables--IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#UnderweightBMI') IS NOT NULL)-- DROP TABLE #UnderweightBMIIF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##UnderweightBMIPatients') IS NOT NULL)DROP TABLE ##UnderweightBMIPatientsIF (OBJECT_ID('dbo.UnderweightBMI') IS NOT NULL)TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.UnderweightBMI--Dynamic Query VariablesDECLARE @Columns NVARCHAR(MAX),@SQLQuery NVARCHAR(MAX)IF (@StartDate = @EndDate)BEGININSERT INTO dbo.UnderweightBMI(AccountNumber,Name,LocationID,QueryID,BMI)SELECTvnad.AccountNumber,vnad.Name,vnad.LocationID,vnnqr.QueryID,[BMI] = CAST(LEFT(vnnqr.Response, CHARINDEX('.', vnnqr.Response) - 1) + '.' + SUBSTRING(vnnqr.Response,(CHARINDEX('.', vnnqr.Response)+1),3) AS DECIMAL(9,1))--vnnqr.Response--INTO #UnderweightBMIFROM livedbNWH.dbo.vNWH_AbstractData vnadJOIN livedbNWH.dbo.vNWH_AdmVisits vnav ON vnad.VisitID = vnav.VisitIDJOIN livedbNWH.dbo.vNWH_AdmittingData vnad2 ON vnad.VisitID = vnad2.VisitIDJOIN livedbNWH.dbo.vNWH_NurQueryResults vnnqr ON vnad.VisitID = vnnqr.VisitIDWHERE((vnav.InpatientOrOutpatient = 'I' OR vnad.ObservationPatient = 'Y') OR vnav.Status = 'REG SDC')AND vnad.DischargeDateTime IS NULL--AND vnnqr.QueryID = 'N.BMI'AND vnnqr.QueryID IN ('N.BMI', 'NNUBMI')AND CAST(LEFT(vnnqr.Response, CHARINDEX('.', vnnqr.Response) - 1) + '.' + SUBSTRING(vnnqr.Response,(CHARINDEX('.', vnnqr.Response)+1),3) AS DECIMAL(9,1)) < 19.0GROUP BY vnad.VisitID,vnad.AccountNumber,vnad.Name,vnad.AdmitDateTime,vnad.LocationID,vnav.Status,vnnqr.QueryID,vnnqr.ResponseORDER BY--vnad.LocationIDvnad.VisitIDENDELSEBEGININSERT INTO dbo.UnderweightBMI(AccountNumber,Name,LocationID,QueryID,BMI)SELECTvnad.AccountNumber,vnad.Name,vnad.LocationID,vnnqr.QueryID,[BMI] = CAST(LEFT(vnnqr.Response, CHARINDEX('.', vnnqr.Response) - 1) + '.' + SUBSTRING(vnnqr.Response,(CHARINDEX('.', vnnqr.Response)+1),3) AS DECIMAL(9,1))--vnnqr.Response--INTO #UnderweightBMIFROM livedbNWH.dbo.vNWH_AbstractData vnadJOIN livedbNWH.dbo.vNWH_AdmVisits vnav ON vnad.VisitID = vnav.VisitIDJOIN livedbNWH.dbo.vNWH_AdmittingData vnad2 ON vnad.VisitID = vnad2.VisitIDJOIN livedbNWH.dbo.vNWH_NurQueryResults vnnqr ON vnad.VisitID = vnnqr.VisitIDWHERE((vnav.InpatientOrOutpatient = 'I' OR vnad.ObservationPatient = 'Y') OR vnav.Status = 'REG SDC')--AND vnnqr.QueryID = 'N.BMI'AND vnnqr.QueryID IN ('N.BMI', 'NNUBMI')AND CAST(LEFT(vnnqr.Response, CHARINDEX('.', vnnqr.Response) - 1) + '.' + SUBSTRING(vnnqr.Response,(CHARINDEX('.', vnnqr.Response)+1),3) AS DECIMAL(9,1)) < 19.0AND ((CONVERT(DATE, vnad.AdmitDateTime) BETWEEN CONVERT(DATE, @StartDate) AND CONVERT(DATE, @EndDate))OR (CONVERT(DATE, vnad.DischargeDateTime) BETWEEN CONVERT(DATE, @StartDate) AND CONVERT(DATE, @EndDate)))GROUP BY vnad.VisitID,vnad.AccountNumber,vnad.Name,vnad.AdmitDateTime,vnad.LocationID,vnav.Status,vnnqr.QueryID,vnnqr.ResponseORDER BY--vnad.LocationIDvnad.VisitIDEND--Get QueryIDs for the Pivot Column NamesSELECT @Columns = STUFF((SELECT Distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(ub.QueryID)from dbo.UnderweightBMI ubgroup BY ub.QueryID, ub.BMI--order by QuestionFOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'')--SELECT @Columns/*SELECT ub.AccountNumber,ub.Name,ub.LocationID,ub.QueryID,ub.BMIFROM #UnderweightBMI ub*/--Dynamic Pivot SQL QuerySET @SQLQuery = N'SELECT AccountNumber, Name, LocationID, ' + @Columns + N' INTO ##UnderweightBMIPatients from(SELECT ub.AccountNumber,ub.Name,ub.LocationID,ub.QueryID,ub.BMIFROM dbo.UnderweightBMI ub) xpivot(max(BMI)for QueryID in (' + @Columns + N')) p '--SELECT @query;EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQLQuery--Output Final Results for Daily ReportSELECTAccountNumber,Name,LocationID,[BMI] = COALESCE([N.BMI], [NNUBMI])FROM ##UnderweightBMIPatients
Thanks for sending that query. I tried running it on my end, but I can't quite get the same behavior on my end.Can you go into more detail on how you got this working on your end? Are there any prerequisites that I should be aware of?
The query would not work because the data is different
The only thing that I can say is that the I am using a dynamic query to fill the global temp table as illustrated in my code snippet.
Perhaps that is why it is not displaying the fields properly?? -
Good Morning!
I tried working on this with my team to replicate this, but we weren't successful.
If I remove the table name from INSERT INTO, and then try to let Prompt to suggest it, I don't get anything.
another example, Prompt doesn't suggest the table after FROM either
Can you send a more detailed step by step procedure on how you created the global temp table using the dynamic query and then how you attempted to have SQL Prompt work with it in order to help with the replication?
The step by step procedure on how the global temp table is the code I sent
I did not create the table ahead of time - I am just running a select statement and insert into the global temp table.
I just want SQL PRompt to be able to display the columns in that table as it is a pain to manually have to type them in the code
Good Afternoon!Thanks for the clarification on your end.The team and I were able to look further into it and can confirm that as of this current time this isn't something that SQL Prompt can do.The problem here is that the table is created in a dynamic SQL Query, so SQL Prompt doesn't know anything about it. SQL Prompt needs to see the creation code in the query before it will do this.
However, we don't parse the dynamic SQL or format it. Apologies for the inconvenience that this brings. If you would like for this to become a feature, I would highly recommend creating a uservoice request so that the developers can see the demand for such a feature.SQL Prompt Uservoice:
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
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