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Are you using a SQL Source Control projects or a SQL Change Automation Project?
In either case, I'd create a post-deploy script with logic along the lines of:
IF (Env is Dev) {
Set up these dev users
IF (Env is prod) {
Set up these prod users
Alternatively, for simplicity you may prefer to extract your dev/prod user security scripts into separate scripts/sprocs that are siimply referenced from your post-deploy script.
In this way your security is version controlled in an environment specific manner.
If using SQL Change Automation you could deternmine the environment using a SQL environment variable. If SQL Source Control you will probably either need to hardcode server name (I know, yuk) or use a config table in the DB with data specifying whether the database should be set up in the dev and/or prod security configuration (make sure security on this table is locked down in prod to ensure appropriater access controls are maintained).
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I'd like an in-GUI way of saying "where you see dom\SSAS_Dev in the Source, consider this to be dom\SSAS_Prod at the target".
Currently we script out the changes, do a find&replace on the login and hope for the best - but am hoping there's a better way!