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TeamCity plugin - nuget package version changed (zero added)

I run "Redgate SQL Change Automation Build" step in TeamCity using plugin "Redgate SQL Change Automation" version 5.0.1.
I have issue with generated NuGet package:
If my "build.number" has only major.minor numbers (eg. 2.5-beta.3) generated nuget package is MyPackage-2.5.0-beta.3. Actaully I have found function Get-NormalizedVersionString in PSModule.psm1 file that does that.
Adding 0 to version number for me is unnecessary, very confusing and problematic. Can we have this behavior removed or at least have a configuration option to disable it? 




  • Sean_Lively
    The nuget team forced SemVer as the standard a few years ago, and has no desire to roll it back:
  • Baggs
    Thanks for the issue link SeanL. I can fully understand forcing SemVer on nuget packages if they are intented to land on public nuget feeds, however many companies use internal nuget feeds for deployment pipeline. In that case I think SemVer doesn't need to be forced.
    We package our applications using Octopack (from Octopus Deploy) and we don't have such problem. It seems Octopus Deploy solved that by creating custom nuget build

  • Sean_Lively
    That's the frustrating thing about the way the Nuget team handled this- it's a subtle problem that will continue to creep through the ecosystem, randomly breaking processes as the tools are updated. I'm sure eventually I'll update my ProGet server to find half of my deployment processes failed due to SemVer normalization.
  • Sergio R
    Hi Piotr,

    Currently we support valid Nuget version formats only.

    If you wish to you can post this on the SQL Change Automation forum:

    That forum is monitored by the Product Management team who use it as an important source when deciding what features to add or enhance in the tool.
    Sergio R

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