I am trying to monitor my development SQL using SQL Monitor but I have not been able to connect. I've tried for a month and still can't get it configured. When I add the server, the test connection fails on "Query cluster information" and "Detect SQL Servers". Both give me an error of "Access denied." I'm using SQL Authentication to connect and I've ensured the user has sysadmin privs. What am I doing wrong? This has become the hardest monitoring tool for SQL to configure. Also, I want to add that my development server is using the SQL Server Developer Edition...just in case that makes a difference. Please HELP!
Good Afternoon!Can you try the following testing data collection methods from the machine with the base monitor to the monitored instance with issues and let me know if they are successful?
I had this problem, adding the remote computer to trusted hosts resolved this for me.
set-item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -value *
* will allow you to connect to all remote hosts.
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