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ScriptFile output missing primary key column values

I'm using SQL Data Compare v13.4.5.6953 against SQL 2008 R2

I'm using SQL Data Compare via command-line to create a script to populate a table. The table definition is this...
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AlarmCategory]([AlarmCategoryId] [int] NOT NULL,[AlarmCategoryName] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,[Enabled] [bit] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[AlarmCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_AlarmCategory] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED  ([AlarmCategoryId]) ON [PRIMARY]

Now, when I run SQLDataCompare with a command-line like this:
SQLDataCompare /server1:<server> /database1:<db> /scripts2:<folder-name> /Synchronize /options:None /include:Table:AlarmCategory
The generated file contains lines including the primary key column. For instance...
INSERT INTO [dbo].[AlarmCategory] ([AlarmCategoryId], [AlarmCategoryName], [Enabled]) VALUES (1, N'Health/Safety', 1)

However, when I attempt to create a single script file like this:
SQLDataCompare /server1:<server> /database1:<db> /empty2 /scriptfile:<filename> /options:None /include:Table:AlarmCategory
The generated file does not include the primary key column. For instance...
INSERT INTO [dbo].[AlarmCategory] ([AlarmCategoryName], [Enabled]) VALUES (N'Health/Safety', 1)
I kinda need that column.

Any ideas?




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