I am not sure how many of the other fellow FoRG members fall into this same category, but I work at a financial institution that is highly secured.  Because of that our developer machines are not allowed to make any connections to the outside world.  Since Redgate collects usage statistics via internet polling, none of our user's usage statistics are ever allowed to make it back to Redgate.  I was curious if there's any way to provide a way to have the Redgate tools generate usage statistics files that we could email to Redgate?  I know this sounds quiet "nerdy" because most people don't really care about not sending usage stats, but I would hope that Redgate makes educated decisions based off of those stats and we would definitely want to contribute to those stats so our "voices" are heard on how we use the product in regard to those stats.  Does anyone at Redgate know if there's something we can do to allow secured users like us the ability to provide those stats to Redgate?  Since we don't know what is done with the stats, do you know if its worth while to provide this capability?


1 comment

  • Roseanna
    Thanks for getting in touch about usage statistics, @adam_hafner. I'm investigating this for you and I (or another member of the Redgate team) will get back to you as soon as possible.

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