Azure DevOps and TFS both support using the SCA tasks in their pipelines.
Azure DevOps allows one to create build and release pipelines using the tasks with the designer very easily, but we are forced to clone builds and modify the steps manually for each new project.
Azure DevOps supports creating automatic pipelines by committing the yaml definition to the master branch of any repo.
There is not as of yet (that I know of. Please correct me if I am wrong) a quick migration from the designer method to the yaml files via Azure DevOps.
We plan on experimenting and building out the yaml files to recreate our pipelines, but this is going to be some feeling in the dark for us.
Is there an example yaml template for using Redgate tasks in a pipeline?
Joe H.
Azure DevOps allows one to create build and release pipelines using the tasks with the designer very easily, but we are forced to clone builds and modify the steps manually for each new project.
Azure DevOps supports creating automatic pipelines by committing the yaml definition to the master branch of any repo.
There is not as of yet (that I know of. Please correct me if I am wrong) a quick migration from the designer method to the yaml files via Azure DevOps.
We plan on experimenting and building out the yaml files to recreate our pipelines, but this is going to be some feeling in the dark for us.
Is there an example yaml template for using Redgate tasks in a pipeline?
Joe H.