In fact, the 'Install Metric' button remains dimmed forever , thus, I can't install a custom metric from your website.
Any hint ?
This is usually because of cookies being blocked, or not having been set in the first place. When you navigate to costume metrics from within the Monitor Application a cookie is set so SQMMetrics knows where to install too; if you've just browsed straight to the webpage and no cookie was set (I think they have a 7 day life) then it also won't know where to find your install.
Failing that what does the createMetricURL say in the SQMMetric cookie?
Hi Russel,
Cookies aren't blocked on FireFox and Edge.This is the list of cookies I catched on the page http://sqlmonitormetrics.red-gate.com/table-size-mb/ with the addon 'Cookie Editor'
I don't know how to access the info of the SQMMetric cookie
I had this same problem and thought it was a cookie and or browser related issue, but that wasn't my issue. I clicked on everything and opened up all browsers and turned up and down all security settings you name it and probably wasted 2+ hours and more.
In the end for me I found this to be the only working solution.
Click on the Alerts tab, then click on the Create Custom metrics and alerts under Actions.
Now from here click on and only click the part I have shown below. This opens up the site in the same tab/window compared to all the other links at the bottom which seem to open up a new tab/window and the install option is usually grayed out.
You then have to click on Find custom metric and navigate to the one you want, but this was the only 100% working way everytime in all browsers I could ensure that the Install metric button worked.
Hope this works for you as it did for me. I would imagine this should be logged as a bug.
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