I'm in the process of configuring a Powershell CI/CD pipeline using the RedGate cmdlets.
Everything appears to be functioning correctly until I get to the Sync-DatabaseSchema step, which fails with this error message:
Sync-DatabaseSchema : The specified value for the InputObject parameter is neither a valid database connection string nor a path to an existing NuGet package file or scripts folder: 'RedGate.Versioning.Automation.Compare.Domain.BuildArtifacts.ScaBuildArtifact'
Per the documentation at https://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SCA3/Sync-DatabaseSchema (Example 2), I'm passing an SCA build artifact (imported using Import-DatabaseBuildArtifact) as the Source, and a database connection as the Target.
The script I'm working from is below:
Support for SCA build artifacts was built recently so you may not be on the latest version.
However I'd still suggest you use the Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact cmdlet instead of Sync-DatabaseSchema
https://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SCA3/Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact -
Hi Diogo, thanks for that information, Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact worked much better.
Thanks for your help!
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