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Profiler v9.8 uses only 1 cpu core

I have noticed that since the upgrade to the latest 9.8, the .NET console app I ran from the profiler was running very slowly.
Running the same app using CMD was running as expected.
I looked at the Task Manager and I have noticed that running the app via the Profiler, it only utilizes one CPU core (running from CMD, it uses all cores).
I have tried 2 different computers with fresh installation of the Profiler.
Am I doing something wrong or could it be that I remember incorrectly and this is a know behavior?



  • RichardL
    Hi @...

    Thanks for your post. 

    If you don't receive a reply from the community and have a support contract then please send us a ticket so that a support engineer can investigate for you. 

    Kind regards

    Richard Lynch. 
  • Russell D
    Thread affinity is enabled by default in the Profiler config. You would need to set it to false.
    Russell D

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