I believe that this is due to HTTP references to images.
What are you seeing? I don't see any mention of it being insecure.
I have a screenshot here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmL0BH3zKDlR0OUWq8fTusoJWKUFbw
Thanks @paulo_morgado , this was actually because of the http://www.reflector.net/ links. I've updated these to https, and am just getting the redirect record changed as well, that might take a short while to propogate, but the Extension page is now properly secure.
@Russell D, I'm still seeing the pages as unsecure both in Chrome and Edge and I can't see the images. Are you sure the images exist?
No, I have a problem loading the images as well, but since fixing up the links I no longer get a security warning. Odd.
I'm still get no images and the not secure indication.
We're talking about this, right?
Sorry @paulo_morgado does it still show as insecure for you?
No, @Russell D. It's OK, now! You removed the images, right?
Yes, I had done that before but for whatever reason the updated page wouldn't remove them.
It worked the ~third time. -
In Portugal we have a saying that translates to something like "the third time is for good"
Similar to our "third times the charm"
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