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Unable to profile a site running under IIS

I am trying to profile a site which is installed on my machine (Windows 10) under IIS.

Right now, I am getting "IIS is not installed on this computer". Attached is the screenshot of the same:


The version of the ANTS Memory Profile I am running is 8.12 which is the latest one.

In order to investigate this issue I went to logs folder of ANTS profiler and saw this:

"12 Mar 2018 12:57:49.778 [1] INFO RedGate.Profiler.Logging.LogService - Starting new ANTS Memory Profiler 8 session
12 Mar 2018 12:57:49.787 [1] INFO RedGate.Profiler.Logging.LogService - Assembly version:
12 Mar 2018 12:57:54.151 [1] WARN RedGate.Profiler.OS.Local.LocalWindowsVersionInspector - Detected Windows version: Windows 8 (6.2 64-bit)
12 Mar 2018 12:57:54.153 [1] WARN RedGate.Profiler.IISSupport.Local.LocalIisInspector - IIS is not supported on installed OS version."

First of all, I am unable to understand that why ANTS log says that I have "Windows 8". That is wrong, I am running Windows 10 in real.

I already have .NET 4 installed:

Can you help me resolve this issue and move forward to profile my application?

IIS is already installed on my computer and I am already running various websites on it. I have already gone through these posts and there is not much help from those.



1 comment

  • RichardL

    Hi @raghav_khunger

    Thanks for your post. 


    This looks like a question that one of Support engineers will need to investigate for you.


    If you've a got support contract, please send us a ticket. Provide as much information as you can - screenshots of any errors, log files etc – so we can help you as fast as possible.

    If you're not covered by a Support contract at the moment, email our Sales team at, and they'll be able to help.


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