Thanks for your feedback. I've added these to our feature request tracking database and they will be considered as future enhancements.
While not as easy as the automatic completion, you could write some code snippets.
I wrote one for "n", which inserts "N'$CURSOR$'", so in your case, I could just do "Field =" <SPACE> "n" <TAB>.
Same for LIKE, just write a snippet (maybe "li"?) to insert "LIKE N'%$CURSOR$%'".
To automate it, like you suggested, could be difficult. You could be writing a JOIN, and then you don't want the automatic ''. -
i agree that i could make up some templates but the main drive for this post was to make sql prompt more intelligent. another example is that when i write exec sproc_name i get a prompt for all variables and all equal ?
exec sproc_name
@guid_var = ?
since it's obvious that to send the guid you would need tags around it sql prompt should be more intelligent on this and make it
exec sproc_name
@guid_var = ''
i hope you get the idea
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2. if i am typing "Field Like" the same rules as suggestion #1 should apply
3. if the field is a uniqeidentifier field then '' should also be added
4. if the field is a date field then a CONVERT(datetime,'',102) should be added so i can imidietly write the date i need (e.g. 2008-01-01 00:00:00)