Now that many of you are here in the FoRG Forum I trust you’ve had a look around the Redgate Hub. The “Product learning" section is on the look-out for contributors - so I’m looking at you guys!

You can see this section has a drop down list of Redgate tools - it's these tools that we’re looking to add new content. We’d like content that's focused specifically on solving a problem through the use of the Redgate tool. You can pick the format that suits you – whether you do an article (roughly 1500 words), or a video guide, a 'how-to' or 'top tips' blog post, or more of a Q&A interview - you can decide.

We want the Product learning section to grow to be the place for current Redgate users to go to find out more about how they can make the most of their tools. So when preparing your content you should keep this in mind. The user may new to using a tool, or might not have discovered as many of the tricks/short-cuts as you have. Your experience and expertise will contribute to their learning and expand their knowledge. You'll be helping others who were once like you, and you'll be making a positive impact on the life of another data professional. Your content and profile will also be featuring on which is visited by 1.2m people per month, so there’s the potential for your expertise to reach far and wide.

Redgate's Editor, Tony Davis, has put together a list of the types of content topics we’d like for the tools. But rather than posting all this info here, I’d prefer to do a call for volunteers. Then based on your product interest and expertise we'll then share the topics that we'd like your help with via direct contact.

Some FoRGs have already stepped up and offered to get involved already, which is awesome, thank you. You'll also notice some FoRGs are already featured in the Product learning section of the Redgate hub: Louis Davidson, Feodor Georgiev, Cathrine Wilhelmsen, Ed Leighton-Dick, and more.

Please post here if you're interested (even if you can't get involved right away, but you're interested in getting involved before the year is out, that'd be much appreciated). Then either Tony or I will be in touch next week with more information and the next steps.



  • eleightondick
    I'm definitely interested in helping out with some more articles.

  • TonyD
    Thanks, Ed - that's good to hear. I will send you the current article ideas I have for Clone, Prompt and Monitor, and we can discuss from there.
  • TomChantler
    It's time I wrote another article. Last time I wrote about SQL Prompt (which I can perfectly well do again if you like). If you have a list of ideas you can send me, that would be great. :)
  • Jamie W
    That's awesome, thanks Tom! We'd definitely like more, I'll get some ideas over to you.
    Jamie W
  • ThomasRushton
    Apparently, my big twittermouth has volunteered to write an article on SQLPrompt's "Open in Excel" feature. Why? I was just going to hack together a quick post for my own blog, but no, Annabel has found out and wants me to do it here...

    I have a few screenshots; need to write a lot more text than I would otherwise do!
  • MarlonRibunal
    Count me in! I just need ideas to write about - the more specific they are, the easier it would be for me to come up with an article.
  • nsundararajan
    Count me In!!

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