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why do redgate producrts always assume server has access to internet for help ?

Once again another redgate product that assumes where you are running redgate from has access to internet .
for help two locations
Why are some changes not displayed here? - get local help

Why are some changes not displayed here? tries to go to internet which cant be accessed from server due to security

Assuming access to internet is always available is like assuming everybody has a cell phone or drives . I am so sick of it.
REdgate Even tries to access internet while uninstalling a redgate product !
as for this product not impressed


1 comment

  • [Deleted User]
    Hi @karl.oliver

    Our original thinking in keeping help online only was that it enabled to us to ship in a leaner fashion instead of waiting on each release until the documentation was 100% perfect each time. This lets us get new features and fixes out to customers more quickly.

    Thank you for your feedback on the topic, it is really appreciated.
    [Deleted User]

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