Today I was working on a compare project and was trying to deploy a very out of date copy of a complex database from a remote server to my local SQL
I was having to deploy single tables and I had to refresh the data many times both manually and automatically once a deploy was performed.
What happened was that I ran out of disk space on my laptop (Temp drive letter T:) and I found the following issue
every time I hit refresh, SDC creates a set of temporary files , including a 50mb file of the comparisons EACH TIME the previous set of temp files are never deleted until you actually exit the application
I had to manually delete lots of temp files to get anywhere , and then I tested this by clicking refresh a few times- the temp files in the %temp%RedGateSDC folder just went up and never down.
Eventually I closed the application and most files did get deleted apart from a few hundred that where possible because of previous crashes etc
a refresh should clear all files, I know you can cancel the refresh but it should clear the previous files after a successful refresh (compare) and delete the temp files of the canceled refresh (compare)
Edit : Latest Version tested with same results
Today I was working on a compare project and was trying to deploy a very out of date copy of a complex database from a remote server to my local SQL
I was having to deploy single tables and I had to refresh the data many times both manually and automatically once a deploy was performed.
What happened was that I ran out of disk space on my laptop (Temp drive letter T:) and I found the following issue
every time I hit refresh, SDC creates a set of temporary files , including a 50mb file of the comparisons EACH TIME the previous set of temp files are never deleted until you actually exit the application
I had to manually delete lots of temp files to get anywhere , and then I tested this by clicking refresh a few times- the temp files in the %temp%RedGateSDC folder just went up and never down.
Eventually I closed the application and most files did get deleted apart from a few hundred that where possible because of previous crashes etc
a refresh should clear all files, I know you can cancel the refresh but it should clear the previous files after a successful refresh (compare) and delete the temp files of the canceled refresh (compare)
Edit : Latest Version tested with same results