1 comment
Hi Catalin,
Below is an extract of the warning IDs and the messages we display within SQL Compare, I hope it helps. We can not guarantee that these IDs will not change in the future as we improve the product.
DavidTargetUnsupportedSynonym The synonym {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedXMLSchemaCollection The XML schema collection {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedAssembly The CLR assembly {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedMessageType The message type {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedContract The contract {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedQueue The queue {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedService The service {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedRoute The route {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedEventNotification The event notification {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedDdlTrigger The DDL trigger {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedPartitionFunction The partition function {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedPartitionScheme The partition scheme {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedServiceBinding The service binding {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedSchema The schema {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedCertificate The certificate {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedSymmetricKey The symmetric key {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedAsymmetricKey The asymmetric key {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedPermission Permission for {0} on {1} {2} is not supported in the target database. TargetUnsupportedCLRProcedure The CLR stored procedure {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedCLRFunction The CLR function {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedCLRTrigger The CLR trigger {0} on {1} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedXMLIndex The XML index {0} on {1} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedCLRUDT The CLR user defined type {0} is not supported in the target database version. FilegroupsForObjects Objects need to be created using one or more non-standard filegroups. These filegroups may need to be created manually: {0} FilegroupsForTables Tables need to be created using one or more non-standard filegroups. These filegroups may need to be created manually: {0} TableRebuildDueToFilegroup The filegroup of table {0} has changed. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TableRebuildDueToTextFilegroup The text filegroup of table {0} has changed. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TableRebuildDueToPartitioning The partitioning of table {0} has changed in a way that requires a table rebuild. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TableRebuildDueColumnAlter Cannot alter column {0} to {1} on table {2}. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TableRebuildDueIdentityAlter Cannot alter IDENTITY property on column [{0}] on table {1}. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TableRebuildDueIdentityChange The IDENTITY column on table {0} has changed. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TableRebuildDueNotForReplication Cannot alter NOT FOR REPLICATION property on column [{0}] on table {1}. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TableRebuildDueClrDependence The column [{0}] on table {1} depends on a CLR type that has been modified. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TableRebuildDueColumnOrderChange The column order in table {0} has changed. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TableRebuildDuePersistedReference The column [{0}] on table {1} is a persisted computed column that references columns that need to be rebuilt. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. ClrTypeUnbindNotPossible The CLR type {0} needs to be unbound from dependent tables, but this is not possible without data loss. If the tables in question are not selected explicitly the script may fail. SchemaDrop Dropping a schema is a potentially dangerous operation. Dependencies for the {0} schema are not selected automatically. If you are sure you want to drop this schema please select the objects that belong to this schema manually. PartitionSchemeDrop Dropping a partition scheme is a potentially dangerous operation. Dependencies for the {0} partition scheme are not selected automatically. If you are sure you want to drop this partition scheme please select the objects that use this partition scheme manually. PartitionFunctionDrop Dropping a partition function is a potentially dangerous operation. Dependencies for the {0} partition function are not selected automatically. If you are sure you want to drop this partition function please select the objects that use this partition function manually. UserDrop Dropping a user is a potentially dangerous operation. Dependencies for the {0} user are not selected automatically. If you are sure you want to drop this user please select the objects that belong to this user manually. UdtDrop Dropping a user defined type is a potentially dangerous operation. Dependencies for the {0} type are not selected automatically. If you are sure you want to drop this user defined type please select the objects that belong to this user defined type manually. NondecryptableTrigger The trigger {0} cannot be decrypted in one or more of the datasources. Its contents cannot be compared and it cannot be synchronized. NondecryptableDdlTrigger The DDL trigger {0} cannot be decrypted in one or more of the datasources. Its contents cannot be compared and it cannot be synchronized. NondecryptableFunction The function {0} cannot be decrypted in one or more of the datasources. Its contents cannot be compared and it cannot be synchronized. NondecryptableFunctionDeps The function {0} cannot be decrypted in one or more of the datasources. Its dependencies cannot be exactly identified. The script may fail. NondecryptableView The view {0} cannot be decrypted in one or more of the datasources. Its contents cannot be compared and it cannot be synchronized. NondecryptableViewDeps The view {0} cannot be decrypted in one or more of the datasources. Its dependencies cannot be exactly identified. The script may fail. NondecryptableProcedure The procedure {0} cannot be decrypted in one or more of the datasources. Its contents cannot be compared and it cannot be synchronized. NondecryptableProcedureDeps The procedure {0} cannot be decrypted in one or more of the datasources. Its dependencies cannot be exactly identified. The script may fail. FunctionReturnTypeChange The function {0} has changed its type. It must be dropped and recreated. CertificateCannotBeRecreated The certificate [{0}] cannot be recreated. The script may fail. SymmetricKeyCannotBeRecreated The symmetric key [{0}] cannot be recreated. The script may fail. SymmetricKeyCannotBeCompared The contents of symmetric keys cannot be compared. SQL Compare will only compare the owner and the permissions if required for [{0}]. XMLSchemaRebuildForTables The XML schema collection {0} needs to be rebuilt. It will be unbound from the {1} column of the {2} table. After the rebuild the XML schema collection will be rebound to the table. The data in the table will be preserved. XMLSchemaRebuildForNonTables The XML schema collection {0} needs to be rebuilt. The dependent {1} will also be rebuilt. Data will be preserved. TableAddColumnNoDefaultNoNull This deployment adds the column [{0}] to table {1} as NOT NULL, with no default value specified. The table will be rebuilt. Any data in the table will cause the deployment to fail, unless a migration script covers the change. TableAddColumnNoNullWithDefault The column [{0}] on table {1} must be added and does not allow NULL values. The default {2} must be bound to it. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table will be preserved. UserWithCorruptLoginInSource The user {0} does not have an associated login. If the user was not defined with WITHOUT LOGIN then the source database is in an inconsistent state. Please fix this by using sp_change_users_login. UserWithCorruptLoginInTarget The user {0} does not have an associated login. If the user was not defined with WITHOUT LOGIN then the target database is in an inconsistent state. Please fix this by using sp_change_users_login. UserWithDefaultPasswdCreated If the user {0} is not defined then it will be created with a default password of 'p@ssw0rd'. UserWithUnsyncableDiffs The user {0} has properties that cannot be synchronized. RolesCreatePassword The application role {0} will be created with a default password of 'p@ssw0rd' FullTextMakeSureEnabled Full text information is being added to the database, but the database might not be full text enabled (possibly because it has recently been restored from a backup). Make sure any full text catalogs have been rebuilt before running the script. StatisticsCreate Creating statistics [{0}] on {1}. When deploying statistics, the SAMPLE option isn’t supported. If you're deploying statistics that use SAMPLE, you'll need to manually modify the deployment script for those objects. ColumnFieldTruncated This deployment truncates the column [{0}] on table {1}. To mitigate this, make sure a migration script covers the change. ColumnFieldNotNullDefault The column [{0}] on table {1} is being marked as NOT NULL. The default value will be applied where appropriate. ColumnFieldNotNullNoDefault This deployment alters the column [{0}] on table {1} to NOT NULL, with no default value specified. Any NULLs in the column will cause the deployment to fail, unless a migration script covers the change. ColumnCastToNonSystemType The column [{0}] on table {1} cannot be cast to {2} because it is not a system type. The script may fail. ColumnCastCannotDo The column [{0}] on table {1} cannot be cast from {2} to {3}. The script may fail. ColumnCastPrecisionLossableType This deployment casts the column [{0}] on table {1} from {2} to {3}. Any data that exceeds the new column size might lose precision, or the deployment could fail. To avoid this, make sure a migration script covers the change. TargetUnsupportedFulltextView The fulltext index on view {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedSparseField The sparse property on column {0} in table {1} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedColumnSet The column set property on column {0} in table {1} is not supported in the target database version. TableRebuildDueFilestream Table {0} contains filestream data in column {1}. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TableRebuildDueToFilestreamFilegroup The filestream filegroup of table {0} has changed. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TargetUnsupportedFilestream The filestream property on column {0} in table {1} is not supported in the target database version. TableRebuildDueColumnSet Cannot add column set on field {0} to table {1}. The table must be rebuilt. The data in the table apart from dropped columns will be preserved. TargetUnsupportedDatatype The type {0} on object {1} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedFunctionParameterDatatype The datatype of the parameter {0} of function {1} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedFunctionReturnDatatype The datatype of the return parameter of function {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedStoredProcParameterDatatype The datatype of the parameter {0} of stored procedure {1} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedFilteredIndex The filter condition on index {0} on table {1} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedFulltextStoplist The full text stoplist {0} is not supported in the target database version. TableRebuildFieldsDropped Couldn't match the column [{0}] on table {1} to a column in the source table. To preserve any data in the target column, make sure a migration script covers the change. TableRebuildFieldsNullToDefault Column [{0}] on table {1} no longer allows NULL values, but it has a new default set up. During the table rebuild such NULL values will be changed to the new default value. ChangeTrackingMakeSureEnabled Table change tracking is being added to table {0}. Make sure database change tracking is enabled before running this script. TargetUnsupportedChangeTracking The change tracking on table {0} is not supported in the target database version. TableRebuildComputedColumnNotPreserved Column [{0}] on table {1} is being changed from a computed to a normal column. The computed column data will not be migrated during the rebuild. UserCreatedWithoutLogin Can't create login for user {0}. User will be created without login. TargetUnsupportedRowGuidCol The ROWGUIDCOL property on column {0} of table {1} is not supported in the target database version and will be ignored. This will break any code that refers to that column via the property! TargetUnsupportedDefault The default {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedRule The rule {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedApplicationRole The application role {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedFullTextCatalog The full text catalog {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedExtendedProperties Extended properties are not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedFileGroupClause Filegroups are not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedFillFactorOption The FillFactor for index {0} will be ignored. The FillFactor option is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedNotForReplication The not for replication property on column {0} in table {1} is not supported in the target database version. TargetPartiallySupportedCreateUserStatement The create user statement must be the only statement in a batch for Microsoft Azure SQL Database. TargetUnsupportedUserType The user type {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedUseStatement The use statement is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedWithAppendOption The trigger {0} contains the WITH APPEND clause which is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedMultiPartName The synonym {0} references a 3 or 4 part name which is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedDataCompression The table {0} uses data compression which is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedEncryption Encryption is not supported for object {0} in the target database version. LoginMayNotExistForUser The login for user {0} may not exist in the target database. TableColumnDropDataLoss This deployment drops the column(s) {0} from table {1}. To preserve any data in these column(s), make sure a migration script covers the change. TableDropDataLoss This deployment drops the table {0}. To preserve any data in this table, make sure a migration script covers the change. OwnerMappingsIgnored When using migration scripts owner mappings will be ignored. TableMappingsIgnored When using migration scripts table mappings will be ignored. SequenceRestarting The sequence {0} needs to be restarted as the current start value falls outside of the new range. TargetUnsupportedColumnstoreIndex The columnstore index {0} on table {1} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedClusteredColumnstoreIndex The clustered columnstore index {0} on table {1} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedFiletable The filetable {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedSequence The sequence object {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedSearchPropertyList The search property list {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedSecurityPolicy The security policy {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetDeprecatedWithAppendOption The trigger {0} contains the WITH APPEND clause which is deprecated in the target database version. PlugForMigrations You can use a migration script in SQL Source Control to solve this problem TargetUnsupportedLockEscalation LOCK_ESCALATION on table {0} is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedTypeIndex The user type {0} can't have indexes in database versions older than SQL Server 2014. TargetServerMemoryOptimizedFileGroup This deployment includes one or more memory-optimized objects (memory-optimized tables, natively compiled stored procedures or memory-optimized table types). Make sure that your target database has a memory-optimized filegroup. TargetDatabaseUnsupportedMemoryOptimizedTables The memory-optimized table {0} is not supported in database versions older than SQL Server 2014 or in Microsoft Azure SQL Databases. AsymmetricKeyCannotBeRecreated The asymmetric key [{0}] cannot be recreated. The script may fail. TargetDatabaseUnsupportedNativelyCompiledStoredProcedures The natively compiled stored procedure {0} is not supported in database versions older than SQL Server 2014 or in Microsoft Azure SQL Databases. StrongDependenciesNotDeployed The following objects that reference, or are referenced by, the objects you want to deploy aren’t included in the deployment: {0} If you don't include these referenced objects, the deployment script may fail or produce unexpected results. TargetUnsupportedStatisticIncremental The STATISTICS_INCREMENTAL option for indexes and the INCREMENTAL option for statistics aren't supported in previous versions of SQL Server (SQL Server 2012 and earlier) and Microsoft Azure SQL Database. The deployment script will not include the incremental statistics option for {0} on {1}. TargetUnsupportedMemoryOptimizedUserDefinedTableTypes The memory-optimized user-defined table type {0} is not supported in the target database version. PreviousFailedDeploymentDetected The target database includes a table that was recovered from a failed SQL Compare deployment. You can use recovery tables to restore data lost in a failed deployment. SequenceValueWillBeRestarted The deployment will restart the sequence {0} in the target database with the starting value of the sequence in the source database. If you want to preserve the value of the sequence in the target database, you'll need to modify the script to run the following: ALTER SEQUENCE {0} RESTART WITH <value from the source database> DeploymentOfMemoryOptimizedObjectsInTransaction You’re attempting to deploy one or more memory-optimized objects (memory-optimized tables, natively compiled stored procedures or memory-optimized table types) in a transaction, which is not supported by SQL Server. If you want to deploy memory-optimized objects, you need to select the 'Do not use transactions in deployment scripts' project option. TargetUnsupportedTableType The user defined table type {0} is not supported in the target database version. NoTransactionsAndNoBackup This deployment will run without transactions. This could leave your database in an inconsistent state if it fails. We recommend backing up the database as part of the deployment, or enabling transactions. StatisticIncrementalWithIgnoreFileGroups Indexes using the STATISTICS_INCREMENTAL option and statistics using the INCREMENTAL option are only supported on partitioned tables. The 'Ignore filegroups, partition schemes and partition functions' option is selected, so partition schemes will be ignored. This may cause the deployment of {0} on {1} to fail. To stop ignoring partition schemes, clear the 'Ignore filegroups, partition schemes and partition functions' option. TargetUnsupportedSelectiveXmlIndex The selective XML index {0} on {1} is not supported in the target database version. ObjectsMayDependOnFullTextIndex Full-text indexes can't be deployed in transactions, so SQL Compare will deploy changes to full-text indexes after transactions are complete. If other objects rely on changes to full-text indexes (using CONTAINS, FULLTEXT, CONTAINSTABLE or FREETEXTTABLE), the script may fail. We recommend you select the 'Do not use transactions in deployment scripts' project option when deploying full-text indexes. TargetUnsupportedIncludedColumnsOnIndexes The Included columns for index {0} will be ignored. The Included column option is not supported in the target database version. TableRebuildDueRemoteDataArchiveRemoval The deployment will disable Stretch Database on the {0} table. To do this, SQL Compare will download the table's remote data from Azure and then rebuild the table. Downloading remote data may cause the deployment to take a long time. TargetUnsupportedDynamicDataMasking The masking function for column {0} will be ignored. The dynamic data masking option is not supported in the target database version. TargetUnsupportedStretchDatabase The REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE option on table {0} is not supported in the target database version. StretchDatabaseMakeSureEnabled The deployment includes stretch tables but Stretch Database isn't enabled on the target database. Make sure Stretch Database is enabled on the target database before you run the deployment script. TableRebuildDueAlterWithRemoteDataArchive The deployment will alter the stretch table {0}. To do this, SQL Compare will download the table's remote data from Azure and then rebuild the table. Downloading remote data may cause the deployment to take a long time.
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I use Sql Compare to synchronize 2 databases. In some situations Sql Compage give me some warnings of type RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Message. One property of RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Message is MessageTypeID (one possible value is TableColumnDropDataLoss). I thought that the type of MessageTypeID is some kind of enum but that's not the case, it's type is string. I would like to have the complete set of values for this property, this can help me to decide which warnings are important and which are not. I looked into the documentation but I found nothing on this subject. Can you help me with the list of possibles values or some api (if this exists)?
Thank you,
Best regards,