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Compare 7.1 An Item with the Same Key Has Already Been Added

I'm getting the following error when using a scripts folder as one 'half' of the compare:

"An item with the same key has already been added"

This occurs at the 'Registering Databases -> Scripts.Main-Processing file:' stage.

If, when the problem occurs, I move the referenced file out of the comparison folder, the next comparison run then fails on the next file.

Is there a limitation on the number of scripts files that can be compared? We currently have just over 5000 files that form our database (one script file per object).

This initially sounded similar to the issue mentioned here: ... php?t=7878

However I obtained a copy of SQL Compare 7.2 and the problem still exists.

Chris Howarth



  • Chris Howarth
    This issue has now been resolved - there was a duplicate extended property in one of our scripts. :(

    It took some tracking down though - is verbose logging available in SQL Compare to help track these issues down?

    Chris Howarth
  • David Atkinson
    Hi Chris,

    In the next release we're hoping to improve the feedback provided when such issues occur, which should make troubleshooting a lot easier. Duplicate objects are quite common as well as SQL syntax issues.

    Thanks for highlighting this to us.

    Kind regards,

    David Atkinson
    Product Manager
    Red Gate Software
    David Atkinson

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