When Prompt fills in the default values for the parameters, they are not correct when the default is NULL for the parameter.
For example:
create procedure dbo.DataTypes
@bigint bigint = null
,@binary binary = null
,@bit bit = null
,@char char(1) = null
,@date date = null
,@datetime datetime = null
,@datetime2 datetime2 = null
,@datetimeoffset datetimeoffset = null
,@decimal decimal = null
,@float float = null
,@geography geography = null
,@geometry geometry = null
,@hierarchyid hierarchyid = null
,@int int = null
,@money money = null
,@nchar nchar(1) = null
,@numeric numeric = null
,@nvarchar nvarchar(1) = null
,@real real = null
,@smalldatetime smalldatetime = null
,@smallint smallint = null
,@smallmoney smallmoney = null
,@sql_variant sql_variant = null
,@sysname sysname = null
,@time time = null
,@timestamp timestamp = null
,@tinyint tinyint = null
,@uniqueidentifier uniqueidentifier = null
,@varbinary varbinary = null
,@varchar varchar(1) = null
,@xml xml = null
return 0
Produces this EXEC statement:
exec dbo.DataTypes
@bigint = 0
,@binary = null
,@bit = null
,@char = ''
,@date = '2016-07-08 11:34:12'
,@datetime = '2016-07-08 11:34:12'
,@datetime2 = '2016-07-08 11:34:12'
,@datetimeoffset = '2016-07-08 11:34:12'
,@decimal = null
,@float = 0.0
,@geography = null
,@geometry = null
,@hierarchyid = null
,@int = 0
,@money = null
,@nchar = N''
,@numeric = null
,@nvarchar = N''
,@real = 0.0
,@smalldatetime = null
,@smallint = 0
,@smallmoney = null
,@sql_variant = null
,@sysname = null
,@time = null
,@timestamp = null
,@tinyint = 0
,@uniqueidentifier = null
,@varbinary = null
,@varchar = ''
,@xml = null
Many of the default values not null when they should be. Is there a way to have SQL Prompt fill in the correct values?
edit: formatting
edit2: I did not test all possible scenarios, the above is just what stuck out the most.
That said, there is also an issue with defaults with the datatype BIT when a non-null default is specified.
create procedure dbo.AnotherTest
@test bit = 0
return 0
exec dbo.AnotherTest
@test = null
For example:
Produces this EXEC statement:
Many of the default values not null when they should be. Is there a way to have SQL Prompt fill in the correct values?
edit: formatting
edit2: I did not test all possible scenarios, the above is just what stuck out the most.
That said, there is also an issue with defaults with the datatype BIT when a non-null default is specified.