We've released SQL Monitor 5.0.7, which you can download here.

SRP-9813: SQL Monitor now only suspends performance-related and custom alerts during maintenance windows. All other alerts continue to be raised as normal
SRP-9817: Changed the “Job failed†alert to “Job failingâ€, and changed the alert type from Event to Continuous. It will be automatically marked as Ended when the job runs successfully again, or when the job runs again and fails (in which case the original alert will be marked as Ended and a new alert will be raised)
SRP-10231: You can now configure the following alert types by time threshold:
Database unavailable
Monitoring error (host machine data collection)
Monitoring stopped (host machine credentials)
Monitoring error (SQL Server data collection)
Monitoring stopped (SQL Server credentials)
Availability group - database not healthy
Availability group - listener offline
Availability group - not ready for automatic failover
Availability group - replica not healthy

SRP-10252: SQL Monitor no longer crashes if you change or disable the password for the account used to connect to the monitoring service (base monitor)

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