I recently received notification that an update was available for Reflector to version 9. It extracts its assemblies and runs the internal msi from its stored location; however, the installer fails prematurely.

Is there a place I could e-mail the log file to?



  • Jessica R
    Hi Alexander,

    Sorry to hear there's been some trouble with installing!

    You can email the log file to support@red-gate.com

    Can I please check though--if you install by running the msi directly, does that install the tool successfully?

    - Please download a new copy of the bundle installer from here: ftp://ftp.red-gate.com/DotNETDeveloperBundle.zip
    - Run it and right-click on its title bar and then select "Locate temporary files.." -- this will open the folder where the msi installers are located
    - For each the desktop app and VS extension, open the corresponding folder (for example, .NET Reflector Desktop_8.5.0.179_x86 and .NET Reflector Visual Studio_8.5.0.179_x86) and double-click on the msi file to run and install

    Please let me know!
    Jessica R
  • AlexanderMorou
    Thanks Jessica,

    I hate to admit it, but I resolved the issue through a quick reboot. I usually keep my workstation on 24/7 so I didn't realize there was a pending setup that had finished that was preventing the installs from continuing.

    Once I restarted the issue went away.

    Sorry for the inconvenience this caused.

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