
Just started using SQL Source Control (after 4-5 months of owning it and having NO time to implement) and had what I hope is an easy question. Well, OK, the question is easy :) ; it's the answer I hope is equally so.

Is it possible for multiple same-named databases on different servers using the same software (mostly SPs - the CLR stuff is already in source control nicely) and table structures within the same Git repository or should I create a separate repo for each? I'd like to be able to designate something like S1 - SP1, S2 - SP1, where SP1 would be the same. Essentially keeping track of a moving target that is being stood up like an old whore house in the old west. :D You never know what you're going to find from day to day and I'd dearly like to be able to ever-so-gently guide these fellows in the proper direction without curbing their enthusiasm and also to protect myself from the inevitable you-know-what. *chuckle*

Essentially, how best to avoid collisions on my end.

A little crazy I know but I have a combination of junior developer with no Visual Studio (in process) and a bit undisciplined, some new folks who are unfamiliar with some things, a mix of Dev & Prod on one sever I'm desperately trying to straighten out at the same time I have "real work" to do. I want to grab copies of the code as-is for safety's sake (Sure you've never had this issue :) ) and also database schemas from different servers (sometimes being changed in the field - I know, I know). I've already had one deleted with yet another new dev this last week. Fortunately I have most folks using a Git repo but we're not yet complete.

I sort of suspect I'll need to make copies locally of all of the above, which is fine, but thought I might ask before spending the time when there might be a better approach.




1 comment

  • ddodge2
    Thought about the question a little. Here's the condensed version;

    What are or where can I find the "best practices" when using SQL Source Control in a typical development environment that will allow me to best manage the development side and protect the production side?



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