I am getting the following message while trying to backup a database. Any ideas?
Backing up WM07NewStore (full database) on SQL2K5 instance to:
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; or try increasing the value of the
VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_7CEC1080-53B5-4411-964A-DF2186662466'. Operating system error 0x80770006(error not found).
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 764936192 4096 1188690 930 1105481728
Reserve 25014763520 4096 208922862 120 25070743552
Free 6854732546048 4096 49829072337 176 8769916731392
Private 25014763520 4096 44337500 588 26070450176
Mapped 1585152 4096 154067 57 8781824
Image 33230848 4096 239489 405 96993280
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 1
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; or try increasing the value of the
VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_974FDBEB-83D1-4239-8FC9-3FB81D82B201'. Operating system error 0x80770006(error not found).
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 764936192 4096 1188690 930 1105481728
Reserve 25014763520 4096 208922862 120 25070743552
Free 6854732546048 4096 49829072337 176 8769916731392
Private 25014763520 4096 44337500 588 26070450176
Mapped 1585152 4096 154067 57 8781824
Image 33230848 4096 239489 405 96993280
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 2
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; or try increasing the value of the
VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_81E1A349-6802-4131-A828-54555728073D'. Operating system error 0x80770006(error not found).
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 764936192 4096 1184580 935 1107582976
Reserve 25014763520 4096 207196261 121 25070747648
Free 6854732546048 4096 50401808195 174 8769914626048
Private 25014763520 4096 43893191 594 26072555520
Mapped 1585152 4096 154067 57 8781824
Image 33230848 4096 239489 405 96993280
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 3
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; or try increasing the value of the
VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_A1FFB519-D878-4E0C-B08B-B7921C445033'. Operating system error 0x80770006(error not found).
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 764936192 4096 1184580 935 1107582976
Reserve 25014763520 4096 207196261 121 25070747648
Free 6854732546048 4096 50401808195 174 8769914626048
Private 25014763520 4096 43893191 594 26072555520
Mapped 1585152 4096 154067 57 8781824
Image 33230848 4096 239489 405 96993280
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 4
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; or try increasing the value of the
VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_2B883F1F-397B-463B-A71E-EAAC099ECAB1'. Operating system error 0x80770006(error not found).
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 764936192 4096 1184580 935 1107582976
Reserve 25014763520 4096 207196261 121 25070747648
Free 6854732546048 4096 50401808195 174 8769914626048
Private 25014763520 4096 43893191 594 26072555520
Mapped 1585152 4096 154067 57 8781824
Image 33230848 4096 239489 405 96993280
SQL Backup exit code: 1010
SQL error code: 3201
Backing up WM07NewStore (full database) on SQL2K5 instance to:
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; or try increasing the value of the
VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_7CEC1080-53B5-4411-964A-DF2186662466'. Operating system error 0x80770006(error not found).
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 764936192 4096 1188690 930 1105481728
Reserve 25014763520 4096 208922862 120 25070743552
Free 6854732546048 4096 49829072337 176 8769916731392
Private 25014763520 4096 44337500 588 26070450176
Mapped 1585152 4096 154067 57 8781824
Image 33230848 4096 239489 405 96993280
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 1
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; or try increasing the value of the
VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_974FDBEB-83D1-4239-8FC9-3FB81D82B201'. Operating system error 0x80770006(error not found).
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 764936192 4096 1188690 930 1105481728
Reserve 25014763520 4096 208922862 120 25070743552
Free 6854732546048 4096 49829072337 176 8769916731392
Private 25014763520 4096 44337500 588 26070450176
Mapped 1585152 4096 154067 57 8781824
Image 33230848 4096 239489 405 96993280
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 2
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; or try increasing the value of the
VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_81E1A349-6802-4131-A828-54555728073D'. Operating system error 0x80770006(error not found).
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 764936192 4096 1184580 935 1107582976
Reserve 25014763520 4096 207196261 121 25070747648
Free 6854732546048 4096 50401808195 174 8769914626048
Private 25014763520 4096 43893191 594 26072555520
Mapped 1585152 4096 154067 57 8781824
Image 33230848 4096 239489 405 96993280
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 3
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; or try increasing the value of the
VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_A1FFB519-D878-4E0C-B08B-B7921C445033'. Operating system error 0x80770006(error not found).
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 764936192 4096 1184580 935 1107582976
Reserve 25014763520 4096 207196261 121 25070747648
Free 6854732546048 4096 50401808195 174 8769914626048
Private 25014763520 4096 43893191 594 26072555520
Mapped 1585152 4096 154067 57 8781824
Image 33230848 4096 239489 405 96993280
Warning 300: Backup failed. Retry attempt: 4
VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; or try increasing the value of the
VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_2B883F1F-397B-463B-A71E-EAAC099ECAB1'. Operating system error 0x80770006(error not found).
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 764936192 4096 1184580 935 1107582976
Reserve 25014763520 4096 207196261 121 25070747648
Free 6854732546048 4096 50401808195 174 8769914626048
Private 25014763520 4096 43893191 594 26072555520
Mapped 1585152 4096 154067 57 8781824
Image 33230848 4096 239489 405 96993280
SQL Backup exit code: 1010
SQL error code: 3201