Hello, can you help me? I need to backup a single table in SQL Server. I use SQL Server 2008 r2 and this is new for me.


1 comment

  • danlout144
    I would suggest two way to you. Which you will choose depend on the reason why you want to backup a table. If you need just the data and you want it locally (on the same database/server) then you can use the first option, through T-SQL scripts. If you need to back up the table to prevent data loss for a disaster situation, there is oppotunity to use SSMS. Probably second way is more easy. There are few articles, you can find more details if you need http://sqlblog.com/blogs/greg_low/archive/2010/06/... and http://sqlbak.com/blog/how-to-backup-a-table-in-sq... Hope this will be useful

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