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SQL Prompt 7 beta (now closed)

The stable release announcement can be found here.

Beta closed - thanks to everyone who took part!
This build of SQL Prompt includes:
  • Visual Studio 2015 support
  • Management Studio 2016 CTP2 support
  • User placeholders in snippets (UserVoice and UserVoice)
  • Tab coloring improvements (Blog post)
  • Find invalid object improvements (UserVoice)
  • Filegroup suggestions
  • Beta builds in check for updates (UserVoice)

Version history - 12th August
  • Aggregate expressions are no longer included when expanding all non-aggregated columns (Forum post)
  • Columns inside an OUTPUT INTO clause are no longer qualified
  • When upgrading snippets from SQL Prompt 6 only default snippets that have changed are overwritten
  • Fix for SP-4240: "Command name 'TabColor_Production' is not a registered command" - 10th August
  • Fix for error message during Split Table: "You do not have a valid license for the SQL Comparison SDK"
  • Columnstore indexes are now displayed correctly in the object definition box - 7th August
  • Error message dialog now displays correctly in SSMS2008R2
  • Filegroups from target database are now suggested in ALTER DATABASE statements - 6th August
  • Fix for second cause of stack overflows on some scripts - 5th August
  • Fix for stack overflow (causing SSMS or VS to crash) on some scripts
  • Tab History button is now enabled immediately after a valid serial is entered - 5th August
  • Additional features enabled in Visual Studio:
    • Find invalid objects
    • Script as alter
    • Execute current statement
    • Rename variables/aliases
    • Encapsulate as new stored procedure
    • Split table
  • Add commas and quotes added to actions list (UserVoice)
  • Memory-optimized table creation scripts are now displayed in the object definition box
  • New default snippets that use $SELECTEDTEXT$ added to the actions list (eg tc for TRY...CATCH UserVoice)
  • Actions list now works alongside Clipjump and AutoHotKey (Forum post)
  • Support ticket 47174: qualify object names causing UPDATE statement's table to be qualified to table alias
  • Log files are now stored under %localappdata%Red GateLogsSQL Prompt 7
  • Verbose logging option added to menu
  • Removed support for VS2005 and VS2008 - 17th July
  • Unformat added to actions list popup (UserVoice, UserVoice and UserVoice)
  • MS_Description extended properties are now displayed when connected to Azure v12
  • Fix for semicolon being added in the wrong position for DROP EVENT SESSION statement
  • Fix for SP-5480 "Invalid window handle" - 15th July
  • Fix for snippet manager not displaying in SSMS2008 - 15th July
  • Full suggestions for cross-database queries are disabled if a schema exists with the same name as the database (Forum post)
  • Access key shortcuts added for VS2015 - 13th July
  • Added actions list to refactor selected text. The actions list contains:
    • Remove comments (UserVoice)
    • Comment/uncomment selection
    • Snippets containing new placeholder $SELECTEDTEXT$ (UserVoice)
    • Other existing text actions (eg Format SQL)
  • Fix for $CURSOR$ being positioned incorrectly after indented snippet insertion - 10th July
  • Timestamp columns are no longer included in auto-generated INSERT statements (UserVoice)
  • Improved trial expiry popup - 8th July
  • MERGE statement suggestions improved (UserVoice)
  • Fix for incorrect user placeholder positions when snippet is indented
  • Improved database loading failed dialog
  • Qualify object names no longer changes invalid UPDATE statements (Forum post) - 2nd July
  • When auto generating an INSERT statement SQL Prompt will now use SYSDATETIME() and SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() for DATETIME2 and DATETIMEOFFSET (UserVoice)
  • Windows users and groups are now suggested for GRANT statements (UserVoice) - 1st July
  • Indexes are now suggested for table hints
  • Fix for exception being thrown using ctrl+backspace with CamelCase words experimental feature - 25th June
  • New database loading and error popup
  • Fix for snippets not being deleted after removing them from the snippet page - 24th June
  • New experimental feature added: Change keyboard shortcut behavior for CamelCase words
  • User-defined placeholders can now contain built-in placeholders (eg. to use the same $GUID$ value in two places) - 23rd June
  • $GUID$ placeholder added for snippets (Forum post and UserVoice)
  • When completing a table with dot, SQL Prompt will no longer insert an alias (Forum post)
  • Support ticket 44169: Database names are now always listed in alphabetical order - 15th June
  • You can now configure connection and execution time-outs in the options
  • Global variables are no longer suggested for assignment
  • Fix for first letter being selected after using F2 to rename a variable - 11th June
  • Support for new FOR JSON clause
  • Auto-complete popup added to the snippet manager for placeholders when you type '$' - 8th June
  • Initial release

If you have any problems with this release, please post them on this forum.

If you have any suggestions for improvements, please post them on our suggestions forum so other users can vote for them.
Aaron L



  • ogrishman
    The download link for beta does not work for me here. Could you help to check please?
  • David Priddle
    Hi ogrishman,

    The link seems to be OK for me, could you try again and see what happens?

    Best regards,

    David Priddle
  • mjharper

    Just installed the 6.6 beta. There are no shortcuts now (such as ctrl+K+Y for formatting). Should that be there still?


  • David Priddle
    Hi Matt,

    Yes there should still be shortcuts. Which version of the environment (SSMS or VS) are you seeing this in?

    Are they still missing if you restart the environment?

    Best regards,

    David Priddle
  • mjharper

    I'm using SSMS (13.0.300.44). A reboot of the machine seems to have sorted it out!


  • David Priddle
    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for letting me know, I'm glad it's sorted!

    Best regards,

    David Priddle
  • sdks
    if "Load suggestions for synonyms/Load referenced databases" are enabled and user does not have permissions for some underlied objects then it is flooding error messages to the log for every synonym that user does not have permissions for.
  • Aaron L
    Hi sdks,

    If there's a permissions error when retrieving an object then it sounds like it's doing the correct thing by logging it. Could you email your log to and I'll have a look, perhaps we could reduce the amount of logging around this error.

    Aaron L
  • sdks
    There is no point to email. It is the same line repeated a lot of times:
    2015-07-22 07:46 Login failed for user 'DOMAINUSER'. Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided. [CLIENT:]
    2015-07-22 06:33 Login failed for user 'DOMAINUSER'. Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided. [CLIENT:]
    2015-07-22 05:51 Login failed for user 'DOMAINUSER'. Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided. [CLIENT:]
    2015-07-22 05:25 Login failed for user 'DOMAINUSER'. Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided. [CLIENT:]

    Do not look to time. Mainly it differs milliseconds and in my case it generates about 30 records in 1 second.

    And the query causing that (most probably) is:
    SCHEMA_NAME(s.schema_id) AS [Schema], AS [Name],
    s.object_id AS [ID],
    N'' AS [BaseDatabase],
    N'' AS [BaseObject],
    N'' AS [BaseSchema],
    N'' AS [BaseServer],
                                                    CASE OBJECTPROPERTYEX(s.object_id,'BaseType') 
                                                                    WHEN N'U' THEN 1 
                                                                    WHEN N'V' THEN 2 
                                                                    WHEN N'P' THEN 3 
                                                                    WHEN N'FN' THEN 4 
                                                                    WHEN N'TF' THEN 5 
                                                                    WHEN N'IF' THEN 6 
                                                                    WHEN N'X' THEN 7 
                                                                    WHEN N'RF' THEN 8 
                                                                    WHEN N'PC' THEN 9 
                                                                    WHEN N'FS' THEN 10 
                                                                    WHEN N'FT' THEN 11 
                                                                    WHEN N'AF' THEN 12 ELSE 0 END
                                    AS [BaseType],
    s.base_object_name AS [BaseObjectName]
    sys.synonyms AS s
    [Schema] ASC,[Name] ASC

    so, everytime I am using synonym intellisense generates a lot of errors. I am not talking about the situation when I am trying to access object I do not have access to, it is just scanning all synonyms and for some of them I do not have permissions.
  • Aaron L
    Hi sdks,

    I was more interested in which of our loggers is logging the error rather than the error itself. This should be listed in the log file under SQL Prompt->Help->Show Log. Just before the error message it should have the logger name. What is that?

    Aaron L
  • S Saunders

    Is there a way to disable the 'Quick Options' menu (I don't know the correct terminology for it) that now comes up when you highlight a selection?

    I use ClipJump as a clipboard manager, and I'm finding that when I press Ctrl+V to paste it's pasting it into this new menu's search box rather than in place of the text I had selected.

    If I disable ClipJump and use the Windows copy and paste it works fine, and I know SSMS now has a clipboard ring, but it's not quite as full featured!

    The only option that I might miss from the new menu is Unformat SQL, but that's only because I can't see it in any other menu. For everything else I use keyboard shortcuts or the context menu.

    I think the menu is a good idea, it just doesn't seem to function as intended when used with ClipJump at the same time!

    S Saunders
  • Aaron L
    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for letting us know about Clipjump - it must handle keyboard input in a different way from SSMS/VS so we'll see if we can get our popup to work nicely alongside it.

    In the meantime you can turn the popup off by editing the xml file under %localappdata%Red GateSQL Prompt 6RedGate_SQLPrompt_CommonUI_Options_UIOptions.xml and setting <EnableSurroundWithPopup> to False.

    We're hoping to add a few more features to the popup soon (such as "commarise") and it's also used for "surround with" snippets containing $SELECTEDTEXT$, so ideally we'd like to get it working rather than disabling it.

    Aaron L
  • S Saunders
    Thanks Aaron,

    That's hidden it for now, I look forward to it working as intended in future!

    Clipjump probably does handle keyboard input differently, it's an AutoHotkey script that over time has grown and been wrapped in its own .exe.

    S Saunders
  • Aaron L
    Hi Steve,

    We think we've fixed this in the latest beta build (for both Clipjump and AutoHotKey). Could you give it a try and let us know if that fixes it for you?

    Aaron L
  • S Saunders
    Hi Aaron,

    Sorry, I didn't see your reply until today!

    I've just installed the version 7 beta, I've not tested AutoHotKey thoroughly but what I have appears to work fine.

    I'm still experiencing the same behaviour from Clipjump however :(

    Separate to that, after installing 7.0 my snippets from 6.x weren't brought forward; this isn't an issue for me as I've just copied them across from the 6.x folder but I thought I'd mention it in case it wasn't intentional!

    S Saunders
  • Aaron L
    Hi Steve,

    We're having difficulty getting the same behaviour out of Clipjump with the latest build, it seems to work on our dev machines and VMs so I'm wondering if there's something extra that we're missing. Just to check, which version of Windows and SSMS are you running? Is there anything else that you can think of that might be different? (eg. if one of the programs is being run as a different user)

    For the snippets we should be upgrading them but we're overwriting the defaults with some new ones as we've tweaked a few to include things like $SELECTEDTEXT$ so if you had customized them then they might have been overwritten. I'll see if we can just upgrade the default snippets that have changed to help avoid the confusion.

    Aaron L
  • S Saunders
    Hi Aaron,

    I'm running Windows 7 (though may soon be upgrading to 10), SSMS 2016 CTP2, and Clipjump v12.

    My Clipjump.exe file has its Privilege Level set to 'Run this program as an administrator'.

    That makes sense regarding the snippets.

    S Saunders
  • Aaron L
    Thanks for the extra details Steve!

    We've done a little more testing in Win7 and it looks like if Clipjump is run as an administrator then running SSMS as an admin should fix the issue.

    Aaron L
  • S Saunders
    I can confirm that running SSMS as an administrator as well does fix this issue, thanks! :D

    S Saunders

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