All of my searching online seems to generate suggestions and/or solutions for connections using AD/Integrated Security, some tips include switching to SQL Server authentication as a work around.
We are all ready using SQL Server Authentication, so none of these suggestions actually apply, and clearly, they are not the solution. -
We worked on this issue and it seems that turning off the option to support 'linked servers' resolved the issue. Something to do with the linked server was triggering the Windows Authentication errors in the background. We are going to look into this to see if there's anything we can do to prevent these from occurring in the future.
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SQL Server 2005 9.00.3042
SQL Prompt
The Application Log on the Windows 2003 SQL Server box is getting the following error:
SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. [CLIENT:]
Which is immediately followed by:
Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. [CLIENT:]
What is really strange is that I have no problems using SQL Prompt, which is the application that is clearly generating the errors (lots of single event testing). Caching works fine (SQL Server Login credentials). Prompting works fine, cache refreshing works fine. These error messages keep showing up in the log, which is causing our IT dept to panic.
Whats going on? Why is SQL Prompt trying to login with '' username?