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Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684861 (Th

Hi Everyone,

I'm giving up trying to find out whats causing this particular error on one of our servers. we get this several times a week on differnet databases at random times. can comeone offer their input?

-SQL "BACKUP LOG [DBMaintenance] TO DISK = '\gdc-netapp-01agdc_mssql_5_backupsLogShippingDBMaintenance<TYPE>_<DATABASE>_<DATETIME YYYYmmddhhnnss>.sqb' WITH ERASEFILES = 7, MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = 'dbalaerts@private', DISKRETRYINTERVAL = 30, DISKRETRYCOUNT = 10, COMPRESSION = 3, COPYTO = '\fmt-netapp-01afmt_mssql_5_backupsLogShippingIncomingDBMaintenance', THREADCOUNT = 2 "


1/23/2015 6:11:00 AM: Backing up DBMaintenance (transaction log) to:
1/23/2015 6:11:00 AM: \gdc-netapp-01agdc_mssql_5_backupsLogShippingDBMaintenanceLOG_DBMaintenance_20150123061100.sqb

1/23/2015 6:11:01 AM: BACKUP LOG [DBMaintenance] TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_DD5DBF06-8B2A-4F5B-AD1A-94177B1CD14F', VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_DD5DBF06-8B2A-4F5B-AD1A-94177B1CD14F01' WITH BUFFERCOUNT = 12, BLOCKSIZE = 65536, MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 1048576, NAME = N'Database (DBMaintenance), 1/23/2015 6:11:00 AM', DESCRIPTION = N'Backup on 1/23/2015 6:11:00 AM Server: GDC-MSSQL-5 Database: DBMaintenance', FORMAT

1/23/2015 6:11:06 AM: Thread 0 error:
Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684861 (The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.)
1/23/2015 6:11:06 AM:
1/23/2015 6:11:06 AM: Thread 1 error:
Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684861 (The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.)
1/23/2015 6:11:06 AM:
1/23/2015 6:11:06 AM: SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.
1/23/2015 6:11:06 AM: SQL error 3201: SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_DD5DBF06-8B2A-4F5B-AD1A-94177B1CD14F'. Operating system error 0x80770006(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 317).



    Hi Matt,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    We've already opened up a support ticket for you, so that we can gather some more information regarding your situation.

    Please let us know if you have questions or concerns in the meantime.

  • lacain57
    I am experiencing this same issue. This issue occurs sporadically, with the same error codes posted by Matt in his thread.

    Can you tell me what the determination was for the issue and how to resolve the problem?

    Thank you,
    Linda Cain
  • Jason Hannas
    I have a similar situation...just began two days ago. There are 670 databases which get backed up on this job--most of them very small--and the past two nights, the job has failed on two different databases. A 2KB file is created, the below error is thrown, and the rest of the backups proceed normally.
    4/28/2015 2:25:08 AM: Backing up <<DATABASE>> (differential database) to:
    4/28/2015 2:25:08 AM: E:MSSQLBackup<<DATABASE>><<SERVER>>_<<DATABASE>>_20150428_022508_DIFF.sqb

    4/28/2015 2:25:09 AM: BACKUP DATABASE color=#408000]&lt;&lt;DATABASE&gt;&gt;[/color TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_86649A2B-AB64-472B-A80F-25A4B495F0DB', VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_86649A2B-AB64-472B-A80F-25A4B495F0DB01', VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_86649A2B-AB64-472B-A80F-25A4B495F0DB02' WITH BUFFERCOUNT = 18, BLOCKSIZE = 65536, MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 1048576, NAME = N'Database (<<DATABASE>>), 4/28/2015 2:25:08 AM', DESCRIPTION = N'Backup on 4/28/2015 2:25:08 AM Server: <<SERVER>> Database: <<DATABASE>>', FORMAT, CHECKSUM, DIFFERENTIAL

    4/28/2015 2:25:14 AM: Thread 0 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684861 (The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.)
    4/28/2015 2:25:14 AM:
    4/28/2015 2:25:14 AM: Thread 1 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)
    4/28/2015 2:25:14 AM:
    4/28/2015 2:25:14 AM: Thread 2 error:
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 (An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.)
    4/28/2015 2:25:14 AM:
    4/28/2015 2:25:14 AM: SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
    4/28/2015 2:25:14 AM: SQL error 3201: SQL error 3201: Cannot open backup device 'SQLBACKUP_86649A2B-AB64-472B-A80F-25A4B495F0DB'. Operating system error 0x80770006(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 317).
    Was there a resolution to this? My version is
    Jason Hannas
  • petey
    Was anything SQL Server related installed in the last couple of days? I can only suggest rebooting the server when you have the chance.
  • Jason Hannas
    No, nothing was installed on that server in the past several weeks. I've adjusted my backup schedules so that transaction log backups are not being run during that time, to see if that may reduce file system contention. Since doing that, I've not seen the error. I'll check back in after a few days. Thanks
    Jason Hannas
  • Jason Hannas
    Follow up--it's been a week and have not experienced the error. I'll chalk it up to file system contention at this point unless I see it again.
    Jason Hannas
  • petey
    Thanks for the update.

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