We're pleased to announce that SQL Compare v11.1.0.1 has been released! You can download the latest version from your current version of SQL Compare by clicking
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Check for Updates..., or alternatively you can get it from the
Red Gate website.
The command line has a new switch, /empty2, which you can use as the target data source. This is useful if you want to use the SQL Packager 8 command line utility to generate a package that will create a new database.
Bug fixes
• SC-6805: fixed the issue where SQL Server reports back statistics as relational index
• SC-7563/7586: deploying from a Source Control repository or a source-controlled database no longer generates deployment script “SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL†statement which doesn’t contain the actual value (eg SERIALIZABLE)
• SC-7602: deployment script no longer includes objects that are excluded by filters
• SC-7603: registering a SQL Server 2000 database containing functions no longer causes InvalidCastException
• SC-7622: fixed the performance issue where registration of a database containing encrypted objects with the “Decrypt encrypted objects†option turned off takes too long
• SC-7634: loading a SQL Server Database Project no longer results in an exception
• ZD-29992: running a comparison involving a database containing encrypted objects from SQL Server Management Studio no longer causes “Cannot load the Backup Reader dll†error
The command line has a new switch, /empty2, which you can use as the target data source. This is useful if you want to use the SQL Packager 8 command line utility to generate a package that will create a new database.
Bug fixes
• SC-6805: fixed the issue where SQL Server reports back statistics as relational index
• SC-7563/7586: deploying from a Source Control repository or a source-controlled database no longer generates deployment script “SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL†statement which doesn’t contain the actual value (eg SERIALIZABLE)
• SC-7602: deployment script no longer includes objects that are excluded by filters
• SC-7603: registering a SQL Server 2000 database containing functions no longer causes InvalidCastException
• SC-7622: fixed the performance issue where registration of a database containing encrypted objects with the “Decrypt encrypted objects†option turned off takes too long
• SC-7634: loading a SQL Server Database Project no longer results in an exception
• ZD-29992: running a comparison involving a database containing encrypted objects from SQL Server Management Studio no longer causes “Cannot load the Backup Reader dll†error