Hi John,
Thanks for letting us know about this. I'll look into it.
Daniel -
It seems that this is only occuring for an alert on one server. There are other alerts that are not giving this error so not sure what would be causing it. I was able to view other alert details for this particular server but they weren't deadlock alerts. Thought the extra detail might be helpful. Let me know if you need anything else.
John -
Hi John,
Unfortunately there isn't a work around for this issue.
I've tracked down the cause and it will be fixed in the next release.
Daniel -
Ok, thanks...
Is the bug you discovered the Response application causing deadlocks with other processes in SQL SErver? From the SQL error log, that appears to be what is going on. We have deadlocks showing up now since installing the app and we never had these before...
John -
No - the bug was purely client side in displaying the deadlock information.
Could you email me the relevant deadlocks from your errorlog please? I'd really like to find out how we're causing those.
Email is nigel.morse at
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System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at a.a(DeadlockedProcess , String )
at a.a(String )
at I.LoadIncidentDetails(O details)
at RedGate.SqlResponse.IncidentDetails.IncidentDetailsTabControl.i()
at RedGate.SqlResponse.IncidentDetails.IncidentDetailsTabControl.g()