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Multiple Prefixes to ignore not working properly

we have 5 different table prefixes we use and some build on the others. The all start with tbl.... what happens is that since tbl is the first in the list when it meets that criteria it stops and applies an alias. Here is an example:

You have 2 prefixes set up to be ignored tbl & tblX

When you have a table that is named tblXAbcdEfg the alias is XAE when it should be AE. It would probably work if you could change the order in which it check the list, of if it did a check against the entire list not just the first one it comes to.

We are running version 3.9.


1 comment

  • Matthew Flatt
    Hi dzwahlen,

    Thank you for your post into the forum.

    I have been able to recreate the behaviour and logged a bug report for this.

    It should get reviewed for the next release.

    Thank you for making us aware of it.
    Matthew Flatt

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