Hi Guys, thanks for the beta, it is good to be profiling again. Sorry but I struggle going back to AP3 after playing with AP4.

Nag Screen - Buy Now - really annoying, since beta has very limited shelf life (10 days) why was this included ?

Save feature - GREAT, only comment is more user notification when it is doing things, I saw a lot of "not responding" whilst saving and loading.

Find feature - still to be implemented ? what are you going to be allowing me to search for ?

Source code view - jump feature, still seems buggy, does not always allow selection of method inside another class, yet other times seems to work, I will see if I can narrow it down more.

Still get 'Object not set to instance of object' after closing source code view then selecting 'Reset Docking Windows'

Once you have closed source code window I cannot seem to get it back.

Bookmarked regions get saved and loaded, this is great. What would be nice is ability to name the bookmarked region for quick reference.

Help file still jumps to AP3.2

Tooltip is annoying, it stays above all windows on screen even after focus has shifted to another application.

I will set some time aside on the weekend to give it a good pounding.



  • StephenC
    The docking code view window bug isn't our fault but caused by the component we are using. We have tried to work around it as best we can. If you want to try the following which will involve editing your registry it may fix it:

    Close down ANTS 4, then go to your registry:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Red Gate -> ANTS Performance Profiler 4 ->

    You will see a folder called 'Dock States', delete the entire folder.

    Start up ANTS again and the issue should hopefully be fixed.

    The other issue with the tooltip is once again a result of a 3rd party component and we are completely baffled by why this is happening and have tried to get it to stop but without success. Answers on a post card.

    The nag screen is a result of the licensing component being implemented to test it for the Beta. It wasn't put in there to intentionally bug people i'm afraid, just to help us test all the components are working.

    Find feature - works in the 'All Methods' grid. Not yet implemented in the Tree View but will allow search of methods in the tree.

    Regarding the help pointing to 3.2 can you clarify what you were referring to - the page when you click on Contents from the Help menu or the actual CHM file to download.

    You can name bookmarked regions by clicking on the pencil icon and from the popup simply add a description of the bookmark. Editing can also be done this way. You can read more about the timeline and its workings on the beta help:
    ANTS 4 Timeline Help

    I'll see about improving the UI feedback when saving and loading results is happening.


  • Lexicon
    Help - click on help menu - help contents

    http://www.red-gate.com/supportcenter/C ... ta/toc.htm

    url seems correct, I think it is just the version number under Ants Profiler picture in top left.

    Bookmarks - great, works well.


    I will also be interested to see how the 'save source' performs on my larger than most application.

    thanks for the quick response.
  • Paul Filby

    I'm a Technical Author with the ANTS team, and am responsible for this particular Support Center content.

    The version number given at the top of a page (next to the product graphic) will always be that of the last full release -- in this case, ANTS 3.2. If you look a little lower down the page, you'll see "Learning ANTS Profiler - 4.0beta" in grey text above the topic title. This indicates the version of the help you're looking at, and can differ from the full-release number.

    It's rare for us to provide help with a beta release, so having a help version higher than the full-release version isn't something you're likely to see elsewhere in the Support Center. However, if you use the table-of-contents links (in the "Learning ANTS Profiler" panel to the right), you should find you're browsing through the 4.0 Beta help just fine.

    For the record, it's just web help for this Beta -- the help file (CHM) link still points to version 3 help.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Filby

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