Hi sugam,
Thank you for your forum post.
The following syntax can be used to perform a verification of a SQL Backup backup file :
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM DISK = ''C:\Backup\pubs.sqb''"'
Hope this helps. -
We too are seeing that the verify step under V 5.2 and 5.3 is taking longer and longer to run. The verify is needed as part of the backup step so would it be possible to have some sort of verify parameters to make this step run faster?
We are starting to use Threadcount but this affects the whole backup job. I am suggesting perhaps a way of having a verifycount for just the verify process or something similar.
Chris -
The OP was mistaken when he mentioned that the verification process took longer than the backup. From the logs he sent, it was clearly not so.
The verification may take longer over time, if the backups are also getting larger.
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I have 20 Licence of Redgate I am facing the problem during backup from red gate .After taking the Backup it is verified and during verification it takes more time what it takes during Backup so i wish to know is there any utility/Procedure in redgate so that i can take the Backup on this server and Verify that on another one .
Thanks in advance!!!!!!