I can't seem reproduce this issue. Could you give me an example where you are always able to reproduce this.
I've tried, for example, writing various statements with strings and I can't produce this issue e.g.
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[test] WHERE [words] LIKE 'select type join
This doesn't uppercase any of the keywords. -
I can't repro it with a simple query either. The query that's doing it is extremely long (over 1000 lines) and references my large database schema. It might be worthwhile for me to send you the schema (using Packager) and this query, since it illustrates many of the issues I've been posting. Let me know if this is something you want me to do (and how to go about it).
Seems only to happen if the String is outside of a sql statement
Open a new query window type 'Measurement Type' and you get caps TYPE
now type
SELECT * FROM BBT WHERE BBTCode ='Meaurement Type' and you get lower case
Type simply Meaurement Type again and still lower case.
I can only make it happen when its the first line of a clean window so far. -
I can definitely get it to happen inside a query as well. I have this 2800 line query that is causing all sorts of strange behavior. Joins don't always work, SELECT * doesn't always expand, brackets don't always appear around CTEs, keywords are capitalized inside strings, etc. Unfortunately, getting this exact scenario setup is quite involved. Note that the problems started appearing well before it got to 2800 lines, but that's irrelevant.
It would be good if you could send us the schema (using packager) and any reproducible details so that we can try and recreate this in house. If you're able to do this could you send the information to Once we receive the information we'll raise a support call for you and look into it.
I'm encountering this problem in v3.9 of SQL Prompt Pro in SQL Query Analyzer. In my case, I am working on a script that contains the CREATE TABLE statement, followed by some INSERT statements to populate the new table. I have to remember to press Esc to clear the completion list before pressing space otherwise the case is changed for me. It would be nice if the completion/case-change operation was included in the undo list, so that I could just use Ctrl-Z to fix it up, but instead that undoes a whole lot of my typing. Ideally, the case change wouldn't happen at all when typing inside a string literal.
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'Measurement Type
Followed by a space (which is NOT set to a completion key, by the way), results in:
'Measurement TYPE
Auto keyword capitalization shouldn't occur inside string literals (in fact, nothing should).