Hi guys, i have another little request. It's possible add for every db comparison project 2 event : after e post comparison event. I use svn version control and with post event i can starting svn command. This for sql compare GUI.
Many thanks

Stefano Paparesta



  • Michelle T
    I've added a reference to this post to the feature request we already have open for post-synchronization scripts.

    Could you clarify exactly what you would like to see in this feature:

    Do you want a text box in which you can enter a post-synchronization script, saved with the project? Or a way to choose a file containing such a script and attach the file path to the project? Or some other kind of interface?

    What are the benefits of having a post-synchronization script saved with the project over just having a post-synchronization script saved somewhere independantly to run from the command prompt after running SQL Compare? (Are you planning to hand off the project to someone else with the script attached, who might not otherwise realise that they need to run the script after synchronization?)
    Michelle T
  • Stefano Paparesta
    I'd like, at this moment, a simple textbox contain the path of my .cmd\.vbs\.ps script executed at end of synchronization in SqlCompare GUI version. This textbox can contain a different path script for every project. (project = svn repository)
    After the sync i want to display a commit dialog of TortoiseSVN with this script

    tortoiseproc /command:commit /path:"D:\VisualStudio
    Projects\SQL_Prj\Traccia\" /notempfile /logmsg:"Commit automatico"

    I don't use Visual Source Safe e i think this is a way for integrate SqlCompare to SVN, like the product VisualSVN for Visual Studio. Withe SqlCompare command line version obviously i don't have any problem, but anytime i need look the modify in the SQLCompare GUI.
    Stefano Paparesta
  • Michelle T
    Thank you for the clear explanation. We'll probably be addressing this
    feature in 7.1 (although 'addressing' might include 'deciding not to implement').
    Michelle T
  • Stefano Paparesta
    Ok, thanks Michelle

    Stefano Paparesta

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